
Lecture Series 1999

The ISL web site is maintained by Pamela L. White. Most recent update 10/4/99.


There has been a steady growth in the interactions between control theory and various branches of the physical and biological sciences. These interactions have been significantly influenced by the increasing role of the dynamical systems perspective in these sciences. This series of talks is designed to highlight some of the exciting developments now taking place at the forefront of research in Control and Dynamical Systems and to draw attention to some of the emerging interdisciplinary connections. In 1999, this series will include contributions by engineers, mathematicians, physicists, materials scientists and neuroscientists, exploring work ranging from algorithms for GPS, to manufacturing techniques for micro-sensors, to problems in auditory localization of interest in bio-mimetic robotics, to the design of smart actuators and sensors for control systems, based on advances in materials science, to the creation of learning algorithms for adaptive systems.

This series is supported in part by the Army Research Office under the ODDR&E MURI97 Program Grant No. DAAG55-97-1-0114 to the Center for Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures (through Harvard University).

The CDS lecture series is associated with the Intelligent Servosystems Laboratory and the Center for Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures. Please visit the ISL Events web site for a listing of all past and future CDS lectures.

Lecture Schedule

Please click on lecture title for an abstract.
Please click on speaker's name for a brief biography.

Friday February 12, 1999, 2:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

General Input Balancing and Model Reduction for Linear and Nonlinear Systems
W. Steven Gray
Old Dominion University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Monday, March 15, 1999, 2:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2460
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Modeling and Control Issues Concerning Smart Materials with Hysteresis
Ralph C. Smith
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
CRSC, Department of Mathematics

Friday, March 26, 1999, 3:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P.S. Krishnaprasad

Stabilization of Strongly Nonlinear Systems with Incomplete Model Information
Kristi Morgansen
Division of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Harvard University

Wednesday, March 31, 1999, 3:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P.S. Krishnaprasad

Motion Control with Limited Communication
Dimitris Hristu
Division of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Harvard University

Friday, April 9, 1999, 11:00am
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Characterization, Design, and Modeling of Megnetostrictive Transducers
Alison B. Flatau
Program Director, Dynamic Systems & Control Program
National Science Foundation

Monday, May 24, 1999, 2:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Scale Independent Hysteresis Switching and Some of Its Applications
A. Stephen Morse
Center for Computational Vision and Control
Department of Electrical Engineering
Yale University

Friday, August 13, 1999, 2:00pm
A.V. Williams, Room 3259
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Long-Duration Carrier-Smoothed-Code Algorithm for GPS Positioning
Li-Sheng Wang
Institute of Applied Mechanics
National Taiwan University

Wednesday, October 6, 1999, 2:30pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2460
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Computation of Space and Spectrum in the Owl's Auditory System
Terry T. Takahashi
Institute of Neuroscience
University of Oregon

Wednesday, October 20, 1999, 2:00pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2460
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Stabilization by the Method of Control Lagrangians
Anthony Bloch
Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan

Friday, October 22, 1999, 3:00pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2460
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Edgar Knobloch
Physics Department
University of California, Berkeley

Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 3:00pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Learing algorithms for MDPs: recent results
Vivek S. Borkar
School of Technology and Computer Science
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay

Wednesday, November 10, 1999, 1:30pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2460 Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Riddle Basins of Attraction of Chaotic Systems: Inevitable uncertainties in the outcomes of experiments
Edward Ott
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park

Friday, November 19, 1999, 3:00pm
A.V. Williams, Room 2460
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Chaotic Laser Dynamics: Control and Noise
Rajarshi Roy
Department of Physics
University of Maryland, College Park