
This is a three-year, $450K award to study the robustness and security of complex systems in which component systems is interdependent and finding a means of measuring and comparing their resilience and security by using advanced economic and statistical tools. The researcher will measure and compare the robustness of interdependent systems (so-called systems of systems) as the statistical or structural properties of interdependence among component systems vary.



This one-year cooperative agreement is a $85K subaward through the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the University of Pennsylvania.

Distributed Intelligence: Establish the theoretical foundations of multi-faceted distributed networked intelligent systems combining autonomous agents, sensors, tactical super-computing, knowledge bases in the tactical cloud, and human experts to acquire and apply knowledge to affect and inform decisions of the collective team.



This Maryland Innovation Initiative Assessment project is for $95K and nine months' duration. The project will design and demonstrate a proof of concept for a three-phase integrated onboard charger for electric vehicles. The system will reduce the weight, volume and cost of onboard power conerters. It will also be bidirectional for smart grid support and use of power during blackouts.





The Value of Information in Networked Control: A Utility Based Approach is a four-year, $275K award that addresses the problem of determining the quality or value of the information delivered at a given point in space and time in networked control systems.



This is a one-year, $8K research contract for AmpX Technologies through MIPS.

This project will design, manufacture and demonstrate a 6.6kW silicon-carbide (SiC) onboard charger wtih ultra-high power density and enhanced efficiency for next generation electric vehicles, thereby establishing a new paradigm for size and efficiency.




This is a one-year, $42K research subcontract.

"LINUS: An Intelligent Digital Assistant for UAM Operators" will be an intelligent, natural language interactive digital assistant to assist Urban Air Mobility (UAM) operators in planning and executing UAM operations. Assistive tasks include flight planning, flight following, and contingency management.



This is a one-year, $72K subcontract through Metron, Inc. to develop a capability to autonomously generate mission plans for onboard Unmanned Aerial Systems in support of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions by applying artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Specifically, the project will design dynamic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle controls and associated hardware requirements for the mission planning controller focused on a single agent/platform.



This is a three-year, $390K NSF collaborative research cyber-physical systems grant.



Large-scale systems with societal relevance, such as power generation systems, are increasingly able to leverage new technologies to mitigate their environmental impact, e.g., by harvesting energy from renewable sources. This three-year, $330K cyber-physical systems grant aims to investigate methods and computational tools to design a new user-centric paradigm for energy apportionment and distribution and, more broadly, for trustworthy utility services.



This 1.5 year, $240K project is a subaward to a DARPA-PA-21-04-03 SHADE AIE Opportunity.

