Logical and Relational Expressions

[ Logical Operands ] [ Relational Operands ] [ Logical and Relational Expressions ]

Logical and relational operands are used in questions that have a true/false answer. Expressions composed of logical and relational operands play a central role in ALADDIN programming constructs for the branching and looping control of problem solving procedure.


ALADDIN supports three logical operands on physical quantities. They are:


    ||                Logical "or"
    &&                Logical "and"
     !                Logical "not"


Expressions involving logical operands will evaluate to either true or false. In keeping with other programming languages, "true" is represented by a non-zero number, and "false" by zero.

Example 1 : In our first example,

    print "2 && 3   : ", 2 && 3, " (true)  \n";
    print "2 && 0   : ", 2 && 0, " (false) \n";
    print "2 || 0   : ", 2 || 0, " (true)  \n";
    print "0 || 0   : ", 0 || 0, " (false) \n";
    print "!0       : ", !0    , " (true)  \n";
    print "!2       : ", !2    , " (false) \n";
we simply evaluate logical operands for a variety of non-zero and zero number combinations. The generated output is:
    2 && 3   :          1  (true)  
    2 && 0   :          0  (false) 
    2 || 0   :          1  (true)  
    0 || 0   :          0  (false) 
    !0       :          1  (true)  
    !2       :          0  (false)

Example 2 : Logical operand also work on physical quantities having units. For example, the script

    print "2 cm && 3 cm : ", 2 cm && 3 cm, " (true)  \n";
    print "0 cm/sec && 3 cm^2  : ", 0 cm && 3 cm, " (false)  \n";
generates the output
    2 cm && 3 cm :           1  (true)  
    0 cm/sec && 3 cm^2  :    0  (false)
In each case, the logical operand in applied to the numerical component of the physical quantity alone (the units play no role in the operand's evaluation).


The relational operands are:


    ==                Test for "identical equality"
     >                Greater than
     <                Less than
    >=                Greater than or equal to
    <=                Less than or equal to


Example 3 : Expressions involving relational opeators may be applied directly to physical quantities -- for example, the script:

    print "2 cm == 3 cm : ", 2 cm == 3 cm, " (false)  \n";
    print "2 cm >  3 cm : ", 2 cm >  3 cm, " (false)  \n";
    print "2 cm <  3 cm : ", 2 cm <  3 cm, " (true)   \n";
    print "2 cm <= 3 cm : ", 2 cm <= 3 cm, " (true)   \n";
generates the output
    2 cm == 3 cm :          0  (false)  
    2 cm >  3 cm :          0  (false)  
    2 cm <  3 cm :          1  (true)   
    2 cm <= 3 cm :          1  (true)

Example 4 : A key feature of ALADDIN's units package is checking of compatible units before a logical or relational operand is evaluated. In the following script, we show how sets of mixed units may be used in relational expressions -- the script of code:

    print "20 cm  == 200 mm : ", 20 cm == 200 mm, " (true)  \n";
    print "12 in   >   1 ft : ", 12 in  >   1 ft, " (false)  \n";
    print "36 in  => 100 cm : ", 36 in  > 100 cm, " (false)  \n";
generates the output
    20 cm  == 200 mm :          1  (true)  
    12 in   >   1 ft :          0  (false)  
    36 in  => 100 cm :          0  (false)  
Everything works as expected. Now suppose that we make a small error, as in the script:
    x = 20 cm;
    y = 20 cm/sec;

    print "20 cm => 20 cm/sec : ", x > y , " (huh ???)  \n";
ALADDIN generates the output
    20 cm => 20 cm/sec :
    FATAL ERROR >> "In Quantity_Gt() : Inconsistent Dimensions"
and terminates its execution.


Of course logical and relational operands may be combined. Here are a couple of examples:

Example 5 : The script

    x = 20 cm > 10 cm;
    y = 20 sec >= 100 sec ;

    print "x : ", x , " (true)  \n";
    print "y : ", y , " (false)  \n";
    print "x || y : ", x || y , " (true)  \n";
    print "x && y : ", x && y , " (false)  \n";
generates the output
    x :          1  (true)  
    y :          0  (false)  
    x || y :          1  (true)  
    x && y :          0  (false)
Note : Further examples may be found in the sections on branching constructs and looping constructs.

Developed in April 1996 by Mark Austin
Last Modified June 21, 1996
Copyright © 1996, Mark Austin, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland