Input file for Matrix Solution to Material Softening Bar

 *  =======================================================================
 *  Compute force-displacement relationship for a material softening bar.
 *    -- One element remains elastic.
 *    -- A second element has material softening behavior with Et = -0.1*E.
 *  We use the matrix language to implement the algorithm, and then later
 *  on, compare to the 2D fiber finite element implementation.
 *  Written By : Wane-Jang Lin                                    July 1997
 *  =======================================================================

/* Plastic spring material, Bi-linear */

   L1  = 2 m;
   h1  = 30 cm;         b1 = 10 cm;     A1 = b1*h1;
   E1  = 30000 N/m^2;  Et1 = -0.1*E1;  fy1 = 1000 N/m^2;

   Ks1 = E1*A1/L1;
   Kt1 = Et1*A1/L1;
   Fy1 = fy1*A1;
   es1 = Fy1/Ks1;

/* Elastic spring material */

   L2  = 1.5 m;
   h2  = 20 cm;         b2 = 10 cm;  A2 = h2*b2;
   E2  = 20000 N/m^2;  Et2 = E2;    fy2 = 2500 N/m^2;
   Ks2 = E2*b2*h2/L2;

/* Temporary matrix to store element tangent Ks at each step */

   tangent = [Ks1 ; Ks2];

/* Initial condition, unstressed , matrix(2x1)=[element1, element2] */

   p   = [0 cm; 0 cm];   /* structure displacement    */
   PRe = [0 N; 0 N];     /* element resisting force   */
   PR  = [0 N; 0 N];     /* structure resisting force */

   Q_saved  = [0  N;  0 N];
   q_saved  = [0 cm; 0 cm];

/* Transformation matrix Lele, d_q = Lele*d_p[ele] for each element    */
/* Transform structural displacements d_p to element deformations d_q  */

   L = [-1 , 1];

/* Force interpolation matrices b(x), D(x) = b(x)*Q */
/* relate section force D(x) with element force Q   */

   bx = 1;

/* Assemble initial structure tangent stiffness matrix BigK */

   BigK = [ Ks1+Ks2, -Ks2;  -Ks2, Ks2 ];
   PrintMatrix ( BigK );

/* Initial displacement increment */

   d_P = [ 0 N ; 1 N];
   d_p = Solve( BigK, d_P );
   PrintMatrix ( d_p );

/* Allocate response matrix[total_step+1][4] */

   print "\n";
   print "* response [][1] = resistant force            *\n";
   print "* response [][2] = total elongation           *\n";
   print "* response [][3] = element elongation 1       *\n";
   print "* response [][4] = element elongation 2       *\n";

   total_step = 45;
   response = ColumnUnits(Zero([total_step+1,4]),[N,cm,cm,cm]);
   response[1][1] = 0 N;
   response[1][2] = 0 cm;
   response[1][3] = 0 cm;
   response[1][4] = 0 cm;

/* Increase displacement, structure determination */

   index = 0;
   for ( k = 1; k <= total_step ; k = k+1 ) {

      p = p + d_p;

      /* State determination for each element */ 

      for( ele = 1 ; ele <= 2; ele = ele+1 ) {

         /* extract element displacements from global displacements */

         if( ele==1 ) {
             d_pe = [ 0 m; d_p[1][1] ];
         if( ele==2 ) {
             d_pe = [ d_p[1][1]; d_p[2][1] ];

         Q  = Q_saved[ele][1];   /* retrieve values from (j-1) */
         q  = q_saved[ele][1];
         Dx = bx*Q;
         dx = bx*q;
         K  = tangent[ele][1];
         kx = tangent[ele][1];
         fx = 1/kx;

         rx  = 0 cm;
         DUx = 1E+7 N;

         d_q = QuanCast(L*d_pe);  /* element deformation increment */
         q = q + d_q;

         /* convergence of forces for element "ele" */

         while( abs(DUx) > 0.00001 N )  {

            d_Q = K*d_q;     /* element force increment */
            Q   = Q + d_Q;   /* update element force    */

            /* determine the section force increments           */
            /* repeat for all integration points of the element */

            d_Dx = bx*d_Q;        /* section force increment           */
            d_dx = rx + fx*d_Dx;  /* section deformation increment     */
            Dx = Dx + d_Dx;       /* update section force              */
            dx = dx + d_dx;       /* update section deformation vector */

            /* get new section tangent flexibility f(x) from new d(x)     */
            /* and section resisting force DR(x) from material properties */

            if( ele == 1 ) {
               if( abs(dx) <= es1 ) {
                  kx  = Ks1;
                  fx  = 1/kx;
                  DRx = kx*dx;
               if( dx > es1 ) {
                  kx  = Kt1;
                  fx  = 1/kx;
                  DRx = Fy1 + kx*(dx-es1);
               if( dx < -es1 ) {
                  kx  = Kt1;
                  fx  = 1/kx;
                  DRx = -Fy - kx*(dx+es1);

            if( ele == 2 ) {
               kx  = Ks2;
               DRx = kx*dx;

            DUx = Dx - DRx;  /* section unbalanced force     */
            rx  = fx*DUx;    /* section residual deformation */

            /* finish for all integration points of the element */

            /* update the element flexibility and stiffness matrices */

            F = bx*fx*bx;
            K = 1/F;

            /* check for element convergence */

            s   = bx*rx;   /* element residual deformation */
            d_q = -s;

         }  /* j */

         Q_saved[ele][1] = Q;
         q_saved[ele][1] = q;

         tangent[ele][1] = K;
         PRe[ele][1] = Q;    /* element resisting force */

      /* Assemble structure resistant force */

      PR[1][1] = PRe[1][1] - PRe[2][1];
      PR[2][1] = PRe[2][1];

      /* Store output in response matrix */

      response[k+1][1] = PR[2][1];
      response[k+1][2] = p[2][1];
      response[k+1][3] = p[1][1];
      response[k+1][4] = p[2][1] - p[1][1];

      /* Calculate new delta displacement after yielding */

      if( index == 1 ) { 
         d_P[1][1] =  0 N;
         d_P[2][1] = -1 N;
         d_p = Solve( BigK, d_P );
         index = 0;

      /* Adjust delta displacement at yielding step */

      if( abs(PR[1][1]) > 0.01 N ) {

         /* assemble new structure stiffness */

         BigK[1][1] =  tangent[1][1] + tangent[2][1];
         BigK[1][2] = -tangent[2][1];
         BigK[2][1] = -tangent[2][1];
         BigK[2][2] =  tangent[2][1];

         index = 1;
         k = k-1;
         d_p[1][1] = 0 cm;
         d_p[2][1] = PR[1][1]/tangent[2][1];


/* End of Input */

   print "\n";
   print "===========================\n";
   print "Nonlinear Analysis Complete\n";
   print "===========================\n";


Developed in March 1998 by Mark Austin
Last Modified March 5, 1998
Copyright © 1998, Mark Austin, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland