The Alternative Care Site Planning Model is intended to help public health officials evaluate the resources required to staff and equip alternative care sites in multiple scenarios. The model can be used for planning the response to likely emergencies and for support during an emergency.
This model focuses on the critical resources needed for alternative care sites. It is not intended to manage all materials required.
This software is provided free of charge for use by public health emergency preparedness planners. All of the software is copyrighted by the University of Maryland.
Please send an email to to tell us that you have downloaded the software. Also, please let us know how you found out about the software. We will update you when revisions are available. We will not send you junk email.
Use the following link to download the model (an Excel workbook). Right-click and then click on "Save Target as..." (or "Save Link as...") to save the file on your computer.
On the "Options-Resources" sheet, enter the types of Alternative Care Sites available; these are the options. For each option, enter data about the resources required for one site of this kind. Modify existing data as needed. For each resource, enter data about the total number of available.
On the "Scenario 1" sheet, enter information about the scenario and the number of sites of each type to open in that scenario. Copy the "Scenario 1" sheet and modify as needed to consider other scenarios. The worksheet will determine the total number of resources required and compare that to the total number available.
To copy a sheet, go to the Edit menu, then click on "Move or Copy Sheet..." Click on "(move to end)." Click the box next to "Create a copy." Click on "OK."
The Scenario 1 sheet is protected; this prevents the user from accidentally overwriting formulas. The user can enter information in the white cells that are not locked. To change other parts of this sheet, go to Tools/Protection/Unprotect Sheet to unprotect it, then edit as desired.
Copyright notice: Copyright 2010 University of Maryland and Montgomery County APC. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: This product was produced under the direction of the Montgomery County, Maryland Advanced Practice Center at Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Health and Human Resources and was supported by Award Number 1H75TP000309-01 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO). Its contents are solely the responsibility of Montgomery County, Maryland Advanced Practice Center and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC or NACCHO.
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Last updated by Jeffrey W. Herrmann, September 29, 2010.