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To appear. Also available as ISR TR 94-11, CS-TR-3330,
Many automated manufacturability analysis systems have been developed
over the past decade. These systems vary significantly by approach,
scope, and level of sophistication. On one side of spectrum are
software tools for providing estimates of the approximate
manufacturing cost. On another extreme are sophisticated tools that
perform detailed design analyses and offer redesign suggestions. How
to automatically analyze manufacturability during early design states
is a challenging research problem with an active and growing research
community. While a large number of technical papers have been
published, each covering important facets of this problem, there is no
paper in open literature that provides an overview of broad advances
that have been made in this area.
We expect that this paper will be of interest to a diverse group of
readers: to experts, it will provide an overview of existing
technology and help them compare their work to other efforts. To
newcomers to this area, it will serve as tutorial and provide
references to many detailed work. To industry and end-users, it will
provide insight into a new and exciting family of software tools and
hopefully expedite the transfer of these new technologies from
academic prototypes to commercial software tools.
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