Charlene Harlan DAMA Technical Project Office Sandia National Laboratories P. O. Box 5800, MS 0743 Albuquerque, NM 87185 Tel: 505-844-8164 Fax: 505-844-1723 email:
Subject: DAMA Input into Virtual Manufacturing Technologies The following information has been provided at your request and may be relevant to your virtual manufacturing project. The Demand Activated Manufacturing Architechture (DAMA) project was created in 1993 as part of the AMTEX Partnership to help the U.S. Integrated Textile Complex (ITC) from fiber producer through retailer improve its competitiveness in the global marketplace. The DAMA project has been undertaken by a team from the ITC, including its suppliers, the national textile research universities, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories as a key component in revitalizing this important U. S. industry. The primary goals of the DAMA project are: (1) determine possible strategic business structure changes, (2) establish an electronic marketplace for the textile industry, and (3) engage the entire textile industry in DAMA activities. The DAMA project encompasses several areas of development that may be relevant to your project, and fall in the following categories you provided: visualization, modeling technologies, itegrating infrastructure and architecture, simulation, integration of legacy data, and workflow. The DAMA project has a WWW home page that is currently under review. The draft version is password controlled, but will become public as soon as the approval process is completed, sometime in April 1995. The URL will be: A public reference document "Demand Activated Manufacturing Architecture 1995-1996 DAMA Project Overview," Version 1.0, DAMA-G-9-95, February 1995 is available upon request. This document provides a summary overview of the entire DAMA project.
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