Dr. Ahmed H.S. Al-Ashaab ITESM Campus Morelos Centro de Sistemas de Manufactura Division de Graduados e Investigacion Apdo.Postal 99-C C.P. 62050 CUERNAVACA MOR. MEXICO. EMail: ahmed@rs970.mor.itesm.mx Tel +52 73 14-21-28 Ext. 124 Fax +52-73 14 13 82
PUBLICATION: 1- Information Models: An Aid to Concurrency in Injection Moulded Products Design. Presented in the Winter Annual Meeting of ASME California Sep. 1992. 2- A Review of Computer Aided Simultaneous Engineering System. Accepted for Publication in the Journal of "Research in Engineering Design" April 1994. (Submitted in April 199 3). 3- A Manufacturing Model: Supporting Concurrency in Injection Moulded Products Design. The 2nd Biennial European Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, 4-7/7/1994, London, UK. 4- Design for Injection Moulding in a Manufacturing Model Environment. Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Design and Manufacturing, the Inter. Journal of Concurrent Engineering, Agust 1994. (Submitted March 1994). 5- Modelling Manufacturing Process Information Using the EXPRESS Language. In Preparation. 6- Resolving Feature Interactions in Design for Injection Moulding. 10th Conference on Manufacturing Research. Loughborough, UK, Sep. 1994. 7- Computer Aided Concurrent Engineering. In the XXV Research and developing Technlogy Congres of ITESM System, January 1995, Monterry, Mexico. (In Spanish) 8- Exploiting Product Life Cycle Engineering Technologies: An Introduction. Invited Key Note Talk in the IV National Congress of Agricultural Engineering, 28-30 September 1994, Mexico.
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