Assistant Prof. Dept. of Mech. Eng. UIC
The activities are categorized as follows: 1. The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) has produced a room-sized virtual reality system called the "CAVE" [1,2]. It is a projection-based system that achieves immersion through the use of large screen stereo displays and user tracking. EVL is currently starting the design and implementation of the "ImmersaDesk," a drafting-table format and sized device that uses the same libraries but is more fitting with a normal office setting. We are designing and implementating the first fully operational prototype for use in NIST's Intelligent Systems Division. 2. It is envisioned that use of a sophisticated immersion environment such as the ImmersaDesk and CAVE would lay the foundation for the development of next generation tools in manufacturing information management and intelligent decision support for operator interfaces. We are working with NIST in developing standards for immersive operator display interfaces. As a first step, we are interfacing the ImmersaDesk to a Gear Factory Simulation and Control System developed by NIST through one of its contractors, to achieve roughly half the level of graphics real-time functionality that is currently possible at NIST in non-stereo display on a Silicon Graphics Onyx screen. This involves selection of an appropriate format for storage of Immersion Displays, and software coding for conversion of the Gear Factory Information to this format. Some software tuning for NIST's VTX graphics subsystem is needed since UIC's software assumes Reality Engine-2 capability. Stereo is being achieved with a 120Hz refresh, twice the normal rate of 60Hz for non-stereo, therefore halving the graphics output. 3. Among many ongoing research projects, an exploratory virtual groupware architecture using ImmersaDesk is being developed, in which multiple designers communicate using the same software. The standard implementation of the ImmersaDesk is being enhanced for multiple users to interact with the system. Currently the groupware is being applied to a factory layout design problem. As a first step towards streamlining the process of turn-taking, we assume a person designated as a "moderator", who has the responsibility of transferring control from one member of the group to another. Each member of the group is assumed to have a wand using which the user interacts with the layout software running on an ImmersaDesk. Switching from one member of the group to another is accomplished by keyboard and mouse input by the moderator. References 1. Cruz-Neira, C., D.J. Sandin, T.A. DeFanti, "Surround-Screen Projection-Based Virtual Reality: The Design and Implementation of the CAVE," Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH '93), ACM SIGGRAPH, August 1993, pp. 135-142. 2. Cruz-Neira, C., D.J. Sandin, T.A. DeFanti, R.V. Kenyon and J.C. Hart, "The CAVE: Audio Visual Experience Automatic Virtual Environment," ACM Communications, vol. 35, no. 6, June 1992, pp. 65-72. 3. The URL for CAVE related information is 4. Information on EVL can be obtained at
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