Prof. Austin Tate, Technical Director Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute University of Edinburgh, 80 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN, UK E-mail: Tel: +44(0)131 650 2732 Fax: +44(0)131 650 6513
The Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute at the University of Edinburgh is a non-profit technology institute within the University which works with industry and government agencies worldwide in the followings principal areas: - Process Management - Information Management AIAI has a permanent staff of approximately 25 people organised into three technical groups: - Knowledge-Based Planning and Scheduling - Knowledge-Based Decision Suport - Knowledge Engineering Methods We work with organisations such as the USAF Rome Laboratory, ARPA, US oil majors, Japanese IT companies such as Hitachi and Toshiba, European organisations and companies such as the European Space Agency and British Telecom, and multi-nationals such as IBM, Unilever, etc. Our work is a mixture of joint projects, and technology transfer via training, awareness programs, and publications. We are working in the areas of manufacturing, and enterprise integration technologies which are relevant to virtual and agile manufacturing. Further details of our work can be found via our WWW Home Page especially in the projects section. The most relevant projects may be: Enterprise, O-Plan and TOSCA, Contributors technologies from AIAI cross-related to your interest areas are: 1. VISUALIZATION: TechWorld and PlanWorld Viewers 2. ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: AIAI`s systems integration architecture as seen in O-Plan, Enterprise, etc. 3. MODELING TECHNOLOGIES: Enterprise and activity ontology work, task modelling, etc. 4. REPRESENTATION: ditto 5. META-MODELING: AUSDA/ASPEN, Enterprise tool descriptions, Enterprise task models. 6. INTEGRATING INFRASTRUCTURE & ARCHITECTURE: AIAI's Systems Integration Architecture and standards components descriptions as in O-Plan, Enterprise, etc. 7. SIMULATION: 8. METHODOLOGY: Use of CommonKADS, TOPKAT Tool, Appoach in Enterprise and O-Plan. 9. INTEGRATION OF LEGACY DATA: In Enterprise. 10. MANUFACTURING CHARACTERIZATION: TOSCA - Hitachi problem characterisation, TOSCA Manufacturing Domain Description Language. 11. VERIFICATION, VALIDATION & MEASUREMENT none. 12. WORKFLOW: O-Plan (and perhaps Enterprise) are based on an intelligent workflow model as the main driver of the system. WE are members of the International Workflow Management Coalition and are inputting our activity ontology work to this and other international initiatives. 13. CROSS-FUNCTIONAL TRADES: Three level (STrategic, Tactical, Operational agent mdoel in O-Plan and TOSCA).
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