fukuda@mgbfu.tmit.ac.jp Shuichi (Prof.Shuichi Fukuda, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, 6-6, Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo, 191, JAPAN tel:+81-425-83-5111 ext.3605, fax:+81-425-83-5119 e-mail: fukuda@mgbfu.tmit.ac.jp)
We are working on two technoloties, virtual reality and stereolithography, at the same time with the aim of linking these together for developing a more flexible and more user-friendly product development system which would permit more direct participation of customers. Thus, our final objective is to establish the prosumer system where values could be attached to the processes as well as to the performance of a final product. One major area we are working on is to develop a new CAD system which will generate a solid just true to an image a designer creates and which can be linked with a stereolithography system very easily and responsively. What characterizesthis system is that it generates a solid based upon section assemblies and that the function of morphing in CG is added. Another research area is to establish the Virtual Network System with emphasis upon more easier collaboration for product development. The problem of adequate combination of analog and digital data is being addressed.
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