Rajit Gadh, PhD, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DIRECTOR Mechanical Engineering Department I-CARVE LAB 347 Mechanical Engineering Building University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 office phone: (608) 262 9058 e-mail: gadh@engr.wisc.edu fax: (608) 265 2316 World Wide Web Locator - url: http://smartcad.me.wisc.edu
COVIRDS: A CONCEPTUAL VIRTUAL DESIGN SYSTEM Tushar H. Dani (Doctoral Student) and Professor Rajit Gadh Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706 email: tushar@smartcad.me.wisc.edu, gadh@engr.wisc.edu ABSTRACT The current research provides and approach to the development of a computer system architecture for mechanical conceptual design within a virtual environment -- COVIRDS (COnceptual VIRtual Design System). Conceptual design refers to the creation of an initial shape of a part or artifact that is being designed. During conceptual design, product specifications are not rigidly defined and the designer has some freedom in determining the features of the product. Currently, however Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) systems require the designer to specify detailed geometry of the part even though the final part may be significantly different from the preliminary concept designed. COVIRDS provides an interactive three dimensional (3D) environment for designing, where the designer can use a combination of hand gestures, voice input, and keyboard input to create and view a 3D artifact. REFERENCES [Pimental] Pimental, K., Teixeira K., 'Virtual Reality: Through the New looking glass', Intel/Windcrest/McGraw Hill, New York, NY, 1993. [Ressler94] Ressler, S., Virtual Reality for Manufacturing - Case Studies, WWW Document, URL - http:// nemo.ncsl.nist.gov/ ~sressler/ projects/ mfg/ mfgVRcases.html World Wide Web Locator - url: http://smartcad.me.wisc.edu In my previous email on COVIRDS, I forgot to include the area, it is: 2. ENVIRONMENT CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: Ratnakar Sonthi (Doctoral Student) and Professor Rajit Gadh Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706 email: ratnakar@smartcad.me.wisc.edu, gadh@engr.wisc.edu TITLE: Shape Feature Extraction from Non-linear solid models in Design-Manufacturing Integration An approach to feature extraction from non-linear solid models is being developed that attempts to resolve the following typical problems in most feature extraction approaches : 1) Variation in topology among features, 2) Variation in geometry among features, and 3) Exponential complexity of most feature recognition algorithms. The approach utilizes a unique definition of features in terms of projections and depressions. Once features are recognized, they are represented within a feature relationships network, which is used as input by a knowledge-based expert system to evaluate manufacturability of a part design. Applications include injection molding, die-casting and forging. AREA: 3) Modeling techniques World Wide Web Locator - url: http://smartcad.me.wisc.edu
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