,,,, Dave Grossman 310-822-1511 USC/Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey CA 90292 FLEXIBLE ENSEMBLE MANUFACTURING - David Grossman and Peter Will USC/Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 - Supported by ARPA/ESTO contract # DABT 63-92-C-0052. ABSTRACT: Typical electronics assembly plants have over 100 immediate suppliers, each with 100 suppliers, and so forth. The overall supply network includes thousands of companies, each using computers to manage production information. Over 80 vendors sell software that helps to schedule manufacturing and to control inventories. Nevertheless, US electronic equipment companies spend over $30B each year on manufacturing overhead, and have inventories of over $25B. Our project is concerned with production scheduling in a manufacturing supply network. Our goal is to provide a higher level of software that bridges between local production information systems, so that scheduling and inventory control can be more automated, faster, and better. Central to our work is the need to maintain the confidentiality of local production data, since supply networks consist of autonomous, competing companies. Additionally, our work strives for compatibility with evolving trends in Electronic Commerce. The main topics we are working on are methods for: - Exchanging "Just-Enough-Information" for global scheduling - Local, coarse, real time capacity management - Pricing, qualification, and negotiation We have invented a Demand-Availability-Order (DAO) algorithm that can be recursively distributed across the supply network. It combines features from prior MRP, Kanban, and Reorder Point methodologies, while avoiding some of their pitfalls. Simulations are highly encouraging; we also have some analytic results. A paper will be available in the near future. We are now starting to build systems to implement these methods. ---------------- I have some difficulty matching our work against your taxonomy: It most closely matches your area 6-Integrating Infrastucture & Architecture, except that our work is more specialized than what you probably mean by those terms. Our work also relates strongly to your areas 8-Methodology and 9-Integration of Legacy Data. To a lesser extent, our work relates to your areas 2-Environment Construction Technologies, 7-Simulation, and 11-Verification, Validation & Measurement. There is a slight link to 12-Workflow. ----------------
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