Re: [ virtual manufacturing survey]
John Kunz (kunz@cive.Stanford.EDU)
Fri, 17 Mar 1995 12:43:56 -0800
>>We are doing a study of Virtual Manufacturing technologies. Our
>>conclusions will appear in a report to the Air Force Mantech program.
>>We have the following goals:
>>- to assess what research and applications are relevant to key aspects
>> of virtual manufacturing;
>>- to build an internet repository of virtual manufacturing information
>> on the World-Wide Web;
>>- to identify gaps in these research and application efforts, and
>> present our outlook for the future of virtual manufacturing
>> technologies.
>>If any of your work is relevant to virtual manufacturing, then this is
>>an invitation to send us information about it, for possible inclusion
>>on the Web site and in the report.
>>At the end of this message is a list of 13 areas that are relevant to
>>our study. If you are doing work on one of these areas, please send
>>email to the following address, before the end of March:
>>In your email, include the following information:
>>- a 150- to 200-word abstract of your work and how it is relevant to
>> the areas listed below;
The Virtual Design Team project builds and tests computational models of
project organizations. Project objectives are to develop computational tools
for analysis of organizations, just as engineers have long had for physical
systems, and to develop and test new theory of organizational behavior. We
have developed a computational organizational model and tested it by
modeling and analyzing several real engineering projects.
>>- a list of relevant references;
Levitt, R.E., Cohen, G.P., Kunz, J.C., Nass, C.I., Christiansen, T., Jin,
Y., "The 'Virtual Design Team:' Simulating how Organization Sktructure and
information Processing Tools affect Team Performance," in Computational
Organization Theory, edited by K. Carley and M. Prietula, Lawrence Erlbaum,
>>- if possible, a URL for a world-wide-web or anonymous ftp site where
>> interested parties can retrieve more detailed information about your
>> work.