Hi Dana,
You may recall that we might once or twice in Stephen Lu's lab several
years ago. I hope life is going well for you. I include a response to your
survey request for information below.
Mark Klein
My work is relevant to the two areas listed below. I include for each area
an abstract and set of references. My address info with a URL is included
in my signature text below.
Workflow technology faces important limitations including the lack of
organizational models, semi-structured processes, rationale capture,
integration with other classes of process management tools (i.e. modelling
and simulation tools), process re-use & re-design support and run-time
exception handling. I have focused in my work on:
(1) defining a representation for workflow processes that captures
semi-structured processes with rationale and represents a common ground for
the different classes of process management technology, and
(2) defining a set of integrated coordination services for process
modelling, enactment and exception handling that make use of this
representation. These services build upon traditional rationale capture,
conflict management and workflow technologies.
Relevant references include:
Klein, M. iDCSS: Integrating Workflow, Conflict and Rationale-Based
Concurrent Engineering Coordination Technologies. Concurrent Engineering
Research and Applications. Volume 3, Number 1, January 1995.
Klein, M. Capturing Design Rationale in Concurrent Engineering Teams. IEEE
Computer. Special Issue on Computer Support for Concurrent Engineering.
January, 1993
Klein, M. Core Services for Coordination in Concurrent Engineering. Fourth
Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (WET ICE '95). Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. April 20-22,
I have worked for several years now on understanding the process of
conflict management among multi-disciplinary collaborative
design/concurrent engineering teams, and on developing computer-based tools
to support this process. My work has included empirical studies of conflict
management in small architectural and LAN design teams as well as in
large-scale (aerospace) design. I have developed systems for collaborative
design that use a knowledge base of generic conflict detection and conflict
resolution strategies to help both human and computer-based design agents
detect and find a satisfactory resolution to cross-functional conflicts as
early as possible.
Relevant references include:
Klein, M. Computer-Supported Conflict Management in Concurrent Engineering:
Introduction to Special Issue. Concurrent Engineering Research and
Applications. Special Issue on Conflict Management in Concurrent
Engineering. Volume 2, Number 3, December 1994.
Klein, M. Supporting Conflict Management in Cooperative Design Teams.
Journal on Group Decision and Negotiation. Special Issue on the 1992
Distributed AI Workshop. Volume 2, Pps 259-278, 1993.
Klein, M. Supporting Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Special Issue on
Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Volume 21, Number 6, December 1991.
Klein, M., Lu, S. C-Y. Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design. The
International Journal For Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. Volume 4,
Number 4, Pages 168-180, 1990.
Klein, M. Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design. PhD Thesis. Technical
Report No. UIUCDCS-R-89-1557. Department of Computer Science, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. January 1990.
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US Mail:
Mark Klein, PhD
Information Systems Department
The Applied Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 30
State College, PA 16804-0030 USA
Express Mail Services:
Mark Klein, PhD
Information Systems Department
Applied Science Building
Atherton Street
State College, PA 16804-0030 USA
Voice: (814) 863-5381
Fax: (814) 863-7841