Re: virtual manufacturing survey
David Lee (david@IME.UCLA.EDU)
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 02:54:47 -0800
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding your survey. I'll be
sending in an abstract and references. Going through the list of 13
items, the final one references Figure 3-1 as well as a final report
of the user's workshop. If would be possible and appropriate, I'd
appreciate getting either a fax of the figure and/or a copy of the
report. I can be reached at the numbers below.
David Lee e-mail:
UCLA Integrated Manufacturing
Engineering Program ATTmail: (310) 206-1840 (office)
38-137 Engineering IV (310) 206-2302 (fax)
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1597 (310) 839-0373 (home)