Martti M{ntyl{ tel. +358-0-451 3230 Laboratory of Information Processing Science fax. +358-0-451 3293 Helsinki University of Technology e-mail
The Product Modelling and Realisation Group at the IIA Research Center in Helsinki University of Technology conducts research on a wide range of product modelling and its applications in design and manufacturing. The present work convers in particular the application of product modelling for manufacturing preparation. We have built a feature-based modelling system ExtDesign, and associated it with a prototype process planning system MCOES which is specifically intended for shopfloor use in a limited-function factory. The emphasis is on providing very rapid turnaround of correct NC programs, and natural interfaces for factory personnell in order to maintain the manufacturing models that form the basis of the system. This work has been linked to factory modeling and simulation in the GNOSIS test case of IMS, the international research program on Intelligent Manufacturing System. Our interest also covers early design stages of artifacts. Again in GNOSIS, work on symbolic assembly models and physics-based simulation was carried out. Present plans include extending this work to design process and rationale capture to support transfer of the results of a product development process to operative product configuration systems. WWW page: References: @book{ELSEVIERBOOK, author =3D {Jami Shah and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a} and Dana Nau (editors)}, title =3D {Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing}, publisher =3D {Elsevier Science Publishers}, address =3D {Amsterdam}, year =3D 1994} @incollection{ELSEVIERCHAPTER0, author =3D {Jami Shah and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a} and Dana Nau}, title =3D {Introduction to Feature Based Manufacturing}, booktitle =3D {Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing}, chapter =3D 1, pages =3D {1--11}, editor =3D {Jami Shah and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a} and Dana Nau}, publisher =3D {Elsevier Science Publishers}, address =3D {Amsterdam}, year =3D 1994} @incollection{ELSEVIERCHAPTER1, author =3D {Jussi Opas and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Techniques for Automatic Part Program Generation}, booktitle =3D {Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing}, chapter =3D 11, pages =3D {239--259}, editor =3D {Jami Shah and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a} and Dana Nau}, publisher =3D {Elsevier Science Publishers}, address =3D {Amsterdam}, year =3D 1994} @incollection{ELSEVIERCHAPTER2, author =3D {Timo Laakko and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Incremental Feature Modeling}, booktitle =3D {Advances in Feature-Based Manufacturing}, chapter =3D 19, pages =3D {455--479}, editor =3D {Jami Shah and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a} and Dana Nau}, publisher =3D {Elsevier Science Publishers}, address =3D {Amsterdam}, year =3D 1994} @techreport{B114, author =3D {Krista Lagus and Timo Laakko and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {{ICONF} --- An Incremental Constraint Facility in a =46eature Modelling System}, address =3D {Espoo}, institution =3D {Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science}, note =3D {15 p.}, number =3D {HTKK-TKO-B114}, month =3D mar, year =3D 1994} @inproceedings{CIRP94, author =3D {Krista Lagus and Timo Laakko and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Application of Constraint Propagation in Part =46amily Modelling}, year =3D 1994, month =3D aug, booktitle =3D {Annals of CIRP}, volume =3D {43/1/1994}, pages =3D {129--132}} @article{GUI-CAD, author =3D {Jin-Kang Gui and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Functional Understanding of Assembly Modelling}, year =3D 1994, journal =3D {Computer-Aided Design}, volume =3D 26, number =3D 6, month =3D jun, pages =3D {435--451}} @inproceedings{LAGUS-PAPER, title =3D {{ICONF} - An Incremental Constraint Facility in a Feature Modelling System}, author =3D {Krista Lagus and Timo Laakko and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}= , booktitle =3D {Proc. IFIP TC5/WG5.3 Conference on Feature Modelling = and Recognition in Advanced CAD/CAM Systems}, pages =3D {161--177}, address =3D {University of Valenciennes, France}, month =3D may, year =3D 1994} @inproceedings{ASME94, author =3D {Timo Laakko and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Feature-Based Modeling of Product Families}, year =3D 1994, month =3D sep, editor =3D {K. Ishii et al.}, booktitle =3D {Proc. The 1994 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Volume 1}, pages =3D {45--54}, publisher =3D {ASME}, address =3D {New York}} @article{INTJOFPR-1, author =3D {Jussi Opas and Jussi Kanerva and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}= , title =3D {Automatic Process Plan Generation in an Operative Process Planning System}, journal =3D {International Journal of Production Research}, year =3D 1994, pages =3D {1347--1363}, volume =3D {32}, number =3D {6}} @unpublished{AES, author =3D {Jussi Opas and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Feature-based Part Programming}, year =3D 1994, journal =3D {Advances in Engineering Software}, note =3D {In press.}} @techreport{PROJEKTI-R1, author =3D {Jussi Opas}, title =3D {Rouhinta, v\"{a}lisorvaus ja viimeistely; {APT}-makrot}, institution =3D {Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science}, note =3D {105 p.}, month =3D dec, year =3D 1994} @techreport{C70, author =3D {Mikael Fraunberg and Pekka Lampio and Timo R"{a}ty and Pasi Salonen and Jukka Tuomas and Martti M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}}, title =3D {Naive Physics Simulator Reference Manual}, address =3D {Espoo}, institution =3D {Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Information Processing Science}, note =3D {90 p.}, number =3D {HTKK-TKO-C70}, month =3D oct, year =3D 1994}
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