It seems that my work (mfg. planning, scheduling, and control) (project management, scheduling and control) fits equally under 7. SIMULATION + model (near) optimization or 12. WORKFLOW (information and CONTROL) Bottleneck dynamics is a system for scheduling, reactive scheduling, or control of manufacturing processes or project management. It simulates the pocess in a forward fashion, but simultaneously forecasts vital global parameters such as resource bottlenecks and critical activities. These forecasts are updated by repeating the simulation perhaps 5 times until the forecast parameters stabilize. More specifically the forecast parameters include resource prices, which provide a quantitative measure of the difficulty of a resource bottleneck; and activity delay prices, which provide a quantitative measure of the criticality of a given job activity. Sequencing priorities are formed as a benefit cost ratio of these prices. A parallel method, tabu dynamics solves the same problem by a very fast adaptation of tabu search. The method has been broadly tested in a number of different contexts It is thoroughly reported in the text Heuristic Scheduling Systems, John Wiley, 1993. ISBN 0-471-57819-3. This text has full bibliographies by a number of topics. However I also attach some references here. PARTIAL REFERENCES 1. with A. Sathi and S. Roth, "CALLISTO: An Intelligent Project Management System," A.I. Magazine, 34-52 (1986) (refereed). 2. with T. Smunt, "A Planning and Scheduling System for Flexible Manufacturing," In Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Methods and Studies. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 151-164 (1986) 3. with A. Vepsalainen, "Priority Rules and Leadtime Estimation for Job Shop Scheduling with Weighted Tardiness Costs," Management Science 33, 1036-1047 (1987). 4. with Peng Si Ow, "Filtered Beam Search in Scheduling," International Journal of Production Research 26, 35-62 (1988). 5. with A. Vepsalainen, "Improving Local Priority Rules with Global Leadtime Estimates," Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management 1, 102-118 (1988).. 6. with S. Kekre, S. Lawrence, and S. Rajagopalan, "SCHED-STAR: A Price Based Shop Scheduling Module," Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management 1, 131-181 (1988). 7. with Medini Singh, "Implicit Costs and Prices for Resources with Busy Periods," Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management 1, 305-322 (1988). 8. with Peng Si Ow, "The Single Machine Early/Tardy Problem," Management Science 35, 177-191 (1989) 9. with S. Kekre and T. Smunt, "Predicting the Master Schedule from Partially Known Demand," International Journal of Applied Forecasting 6, 115-125 (1990) 10. with S. Lawrence, "Resource-Constrained Multiproject Scheduling with Tardy Costs: Comparing Myopic, Bottleneck, and Resource Pricing Heuristics," European Journal of Operational Research 64, 168-187 (1993) . 11. with P. Ramnath, "Guided Forward Tabu/Beam Search for Scheduling Very Large Dynamic Job Shops," Intelligent Scheduling Systems, (To appear) 12. "Survey of Bottleneck Dynamics--A Framework for Heuristics Scheduling Systems," Production and Operations Management, (To appear in Production and Operations Management) PUBLISHED BOOK Heuristic Scheduling Systems. John Wiley. August, 1993. WORKING PAPERS 1. with Steve Lawrence, "Myopic Dispatch Scheduling and Bottleneck Dynamics," CMU 1993-22, submitted to Production and Operations Management. 2. With V. Narayan, and P. Ramnath, "X-Dispatch Methods for Weighted Tardiness Job Shops," CMU 1994-14, submitted to Production and Operations Management. 3. with P. Lefrancois and T. Davidson, "The New Forecasting Challenge: Networked Manufacturing," CMU 1994-21.
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