raj@alpha.ie.wisc.edu From: Dharmaraj Veeramani, University of Wisconsin-Madison Director, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Research Laboratory Director, CAD/CAM Research Laboratory
My research efforts can be classified into two topics: (1) Distributed Control of Manufacturing Systems (2) Quick Response Processing of RFQs (Request-for-Quotation) The ongoing research in the above two topics is relevant to all the virtual manufacturing areas listed in the survey (except perhaps visualization and manufacturing characterization). Research in distributed control of manufacturing systems is focused on the design, modeling, simulation, and analysis of shopfloor control architectures and algorithms based on a distributed control paradigm. Decisions related to task and resource allocation are made in a cooperative manner among autonomous entities through a process of message passing and auctioning. Research to date has shown that distributed shopfloor control can potentially offer a high level of system flexibility and responsiveness, in addition to modularity, fault tolerance, reconfigurability and adaptability. My other area of research is focused on the development of methodologies and tools that will enable quick response processing of RFQs (request-for-quotations) through rapid and accurate cost-estimation, DFM assessment and process planning, and integration of process planning and production control considerations. Specific projects being conducted include (a) development of models for rapid and accurate cost estimation in die-castings, sheet-metal, and machining companies; (b) development of a theory of computational mobility to assess manfuacturability of Wire-EDM parts; (c) development of methodologies for manufacturability assessment and process planning for multi-axis mill-turn centers; (d) optimization of cutting-tool selection and cutter-path generation for sculptured surface machining; (e) development of a unified framework for process planning and production control for fabrication of sheet-metal parts. LIST OF RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS ================================ D. Veeramani, D. M. Upton, and M. M. Barash, "Cutting-Tool Management in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 3/4, pp. 237-265, 1992. D. Veeramani, "Task and Resource Allocation via Auctioning," 1992 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, Eds. J. J. Swain, D. Goldsman, R. C. Crain, and J. R. Wilson, Arlington, VA, December 13-16, 1992, pp. 945-954. D. Veeramani and M. M. Barash, "Auction-Based Decentralized Shop-Floor Control in Large Flexible Manufacturing Systems," Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Canada, pp. 457-462, May 4-6, 1992. P. Rogers, D. Veeramani, and M. M. Barash, "Responsive Tool Management: Making Fixed Manufacturing Systems More Flexible," Proceedings of the Joint US/German Conference on New Directions for Operations Research in Manufacturing, Gaithersburg, MD, July 30-31, 1991. D. Veeramani, "Rationalization of Cutting-Tool Requirements," in Concurrent Engineering, Eds. D. Dutta, A. C. Woo, S. Chandrashekhar, S. Bailey, and M. Allen, PED-Vol. 59, pp. 307-313, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1992. D. Veeramani, B. Bhargava, and M. M. Barash, "Information System Architecture for Heterarchical Control of Large Flexible Manufacturing Systems," Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 76-92, 1993. K. Mani and D. Veeramani, "Reactive Control in Computer Integrated Job Shops," 1993 IIE Research Conference, Eds. D. A. Mitta, L. I. Burke, J. R. English, J. Gallimore, G. Klutke, and G. L. Tonkay, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 36-40, May 26-27, 1993. D. Veeramani, "Distributed and Dynamic Shop Floor Control in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems," Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing in the Process Industries, Rutgers University, NJ, April 25-26, 1994 K.-J. Wang and D. Veeramani, "Comparison of Distributed Control Schemes from the Perspective of the Communication System," IIE Research Conference, Atlanta, GA, pp. 394-399, May 18-19, 1994. D. Veeramani, "Control of Manufacturing Systems," in Handbook of Manufacturing and Automation, Eds. R. Dorf and A. Kusiak, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 553-566, 1994. D. Veeramani, "Integration of Cutting-Tool Management With Shop-Floor Control in Flexible Machining Systems," in Computer Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Research and Development, Eds. S. Joshi and J. S. Smith, Chapman and Hall, pp. 405-426, 1994. D. Veeramani and Y.-S. Gau, "Analytical Models for Optimal NC Machining of Regular Convex Polygonal Pockets," Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Tempe, AZ, March 6-8, 1995, to appear. D. Veeramani, J. J. Bernardo, C. H. Chung, and Y. P. Gupta, "Computer Integrated Manufacturing: A Taxonomy of Integration and Research Issues," Journal of Production and Operations Management, submitted. D. Veeramani and Y.-S. Gau, "Issues in Patch-By-Patch Machining of Composite Sculptured Surfaces," Journal of Design and Manufacturing, submitted. D. Veeramani and Y.-S. Gau, "Selection of Optimal Cutting-Tool Set and Machining Strategy for Pocket Machining", Working Paper, Department of IE, University of Wisconsin-Madison. D. Veeramani and K.-J. Wang, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of the Auctioning Process in Distributed Control of Manufacturing Systems", Working Paper, Department of IE, University of Wisconsin-Madison. S. Kumar and D. Veeramani, "Determination of Turret Configuration and Hit Sequence for Optimization of NC Turret Punch Press Operation," International Journal of Production Research, in press. D. Veeramani, S. Kumar, and P. Joshi, "Optimal Selection of Pierce Points for Nibbling Operation in Sheet Metal Parts Fabrication," 4th Industrial Engineering Research Conference Proceedings, Nashville, TN, 1995. D. Veeramani and T. L. Morin, "Evaluating Part Designs for Automatic Feeding in Robotic Assembly Systems: A Geometric Analysis of the Nesting of Polyhedral Objects," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 337-351, 1991.
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