Virtual Manufacturing Background Project
Relevant Research Areas
Cross-Functional Trades
The essence is multi-discipline optimization
applied to large grain (specifically Life Cycle Cost disciplines) problems.
These trades will be general across organizations at a high level, but will be
organization specific at a lower level as with factory floor operations, etc.
This has big technology transfer impacts. Many people had a hard time dealing
with the specific labels of the underpinnings, however, they were adamant
that it described what was really needed (e.g. requirement). Figure 3-1
in the final report of the user's workshop (presented here as Figure 3-1)
provides the context of this issue.
If any of your work is relevant to this area, then this is
an invitation to send us, , information about it, for possible inclusion on the Web site and in the report.
Relevant References
- Books:
- Papers:
- Klein, M. Computer-Supported Conflict Management in Concurrent Engineering:
Introduction to Special Issue. Concurrent Engineering Research and
Applications. Special Issue on Conflict Management in Concurrent
Engineering. Volume 2, Number 3, December 1994.
- Klein, M. Supporting Conflict Management in Cooperative Design Teams.
Journal on Group Decision and Negotiation. Special Issue on the 1992
Distributed AI Workshop. Volume 2, Pps 259-278, 1993.
- Klein, M. Supporting Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Special Issue on
Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Volume 21, Number 6, December 1991.
- Klein, M., Lu, S. C-Y. Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design. The
International Journal For Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. Volume 4,
Number 4, Pages 168-180, 1990.
- Klein, M. Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design. PhD Thesis. Technical
Report No. UIUCDCS-R-89-1557. Department of Computer Science, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. January 1990.
- WWW sites:
Relevant Research Areas
Virtual Manufacturing Background Project
Virtual Manufacturing Home Page