Gary Friedman
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Drexel University
No Assembly Required: Magnetically Guided Self-Assembly and
Manipulation in Fluids
Self-assembly of micro- and nano-scale objects suspended in fluids
has been proposed as a method of bottom-up fabrication for different types
of systems such as RFIDs, displays and photonic crystals. Most bottom-up
fabrication strategies seek to mimic molecular self-assembly and rely on
short-range surface forces. This talk will focus on the use of long-range
magnetic forces in guiding assembly and manipulation of solid particles,
nanotubes, emulsion droplets and living cells. Experimental results
demonstrating programmable assembly and manipulation of magnetic and
non-magnetic colloidal objects over a pattern of micro-magnets will
presented (see some examples in the [attached] figure). Magnetically guided
assembly and manipulation will be compared with other possible approaches
(such as dielectrophoresis and optical tweezing) that rely on long-range
forces. Basic issues regarding ability of long-range forces to guide
assembly toward desired configurations will be discussed.