Jeremy Gunawardena
Director, Virtual Cell Program
Harvard Medical School
Jeremy Gunawardena received the PhD in algebraic topology from Trinity College, Cambridge. After
two years as L.E. Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago, he returned to Cambridge to take
up a Research Fellowship. In 1987, he joined Hewlet-Packard's Corporate Research Lab, Bristol, where he worked on protocol analysis and methods of performance analysis. After two years as a
Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, he returned to Hewlett-Packard's European research
program with the Basic Research Institute in the Mathematical Sciences (BRIMS). In 2000, he left
Hewlett-Packard to become Head of Systems Biology at the Bauer Center for Genomics Research at
Harvard University. He is the newly appointed director of the Virtual Cell Program, Harvard Medical
Jeremy Gunawardena's research interests are in systems biology, complexity in engineered systems
and evolution of research institutions. He edited the book Idempotency, which surveys the
mathematical ideas for a fully-asynchronous communications chip, for Cambridge
University Press. He served on the Council of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
(EPSRC) in the UK and has held visiting appointments at MIT and the University of Sydney and has
been Professeur Invitee at the Ecole Normale Superieure.