Philip Holmes
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Program in Applied and Comutational Mathematics
Princeton University
Philip Holmes works in the areas of dynamical systems and nonlinear mechanics. Using the tools of modern applied mathematics, he develops qualitative and analytical methods for studying both solid and fluid mechanical systems, with application in the dynamics of coherent structures in turbulent flows, nonlinear modes in optical waveguides, constrained buckling of elastic rods, and the dynamics of legged locomotion. Dr. Holmes is Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Princeton University. He received the B.A. from Oxford University and the Ph.D. from Southampton University. He has been director of the Center of Applied Mathematics at Cornell University, Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at the California Institue of Technology, a Marc Kac Memorial Lecturer at Los Alamos National Lab and has held the Chaire Aisenstadt of the Centre de Recherces Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal.