First, prepare the PC. To do this, turn on the PC and wait for the C:\> prompt. Then change directories using: cd ac100dsp <>
Then prepare for the file transfers with: ac100svr <>
That should result in a ftp> prompt on the PC.
Next, at the Sun workstation, goto the directory that contains the trajectory generation and control code. For this example, goto ~rstamper/demo2/ (this directory will probably be changed by the lab managers in time). To remove any old trajectories, type rm *.xf <>, and delete all the *.xf files.
From this directory, tap matrixx5. Then type the following command: source $ISIHOME/bin/rsimsetup <>
Then envoke the ac100 control system, by typing: ac100 <>
The following window should appear:
Now, the user is ready to plan and execute a trajectory.