The ISL web site is maintained by
Pamela L. White.
Most recent update 03/16/07.
This is a partial list of recent papers, publications, and technical
reports from work in the Intelligent Servosystems Laboratory.
Where available, links to reviews, information, and/or downloadable
copies of these publications are included following the entry. If a
publication is unavailable, please send mail to sanderss@isr.umd.edu
and we will do our best to get you a copy.
E. W. Justh and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Analysis of a high-resolution optical wave-front control system,"
Abstract and complete
E. W. Justh and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"A Simple control Law for UAV Formation Flying,"
Abstract and complete
X. Tan, J.S. Baras and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"A Dynamic Model for Magnetostrictive Hysteresis,"
Abstract and complete
PDF document
- F. Zhang and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Coordinated Orbit Transfer for Satellite Clusters,"
Abstract and complete
PDF document
X. Tan,
Control of Smart Actuators (Ph.D. Thesis)
Abstract and complete
PDF document
- S. Andersson and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"The Berry-Hannay Phase of the Equal-Sided, Spring-Jointed, Four-Bar Mechanism: A Detailed
Abstract and
PDF document
- D. Napoletani, C.A. Berenstein and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Quotient Signal Decomposition and Order Estimation,"
Abstract and
PDF document
- D. Hristu and S. Andersson,
"Directed Graphs and Motion Description Languages for Robot Navigation,"
IEEE International Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2689-2694, 2002.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- F. Zhang and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Formation Dynamics Under a Class of Control Laws,"
Proc. of 2002 Americal Control Conference, pp. 1678-1685, 2002.
Abstract and complete
- X. Tan and J.S. Baras,
"Optimal Control of Hysteresis in Smart Actuators: A Viscosity Solutions Approach,"
Proc. 5th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and
Control, pp. 451-464, 2002.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E.W. Justh and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Analysis of a high-resolution optical wave-front control system,"
Proc. Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, Vol 2. pp. 718-723, 2001.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- M.A. Vorontsov, E.W. Justh, and L.A. Beresnev,
"Adaptive Optics with Advanced Phase-Contrast Techniques: Part I. High-Resolution Wavefront Sensing,"
Journal of the Optical Society of Ameria A, Vol 18, No. 6, pp. 1289-1299, 2001.
- E.W. Justh, M.A. Vorontsov, G.W. Carhart, L.A. Beresnev, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Adaptive Optics with Advanced Phase-Contrast Techniques: Part II. High-Reslution Wavefront Control,"
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 18, No. 6 pp. 1300-1311, 2001.
- E.W. Justh and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Pattern-forming systems for control of large arrays of actuators,"
Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 239-277, 2001.
- P.S. Krishnaprasad and D. Tsakiris,
"Oscillations, SE(2)-Snakes and Motion Control: A Study of the Roller Racer,"
Dyanmics and Stability of Systems, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 347-397, 2001.
- X. Tan, R. Venkataraman, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Control of Hysteresis: Theory and Experimental Results,"
Smart Structures and Materials, 2001, Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control in Smart Structures, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 4326, pp. 101-112, Newport Beach, CA, 2001.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- P.S. Krishnaprasad and X. Tan,
"Cayley Transforms in Micromagnetics,"
Physica B, Vol. 306, no. 1-4, pp. 195-199, 2001.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- S. Andersson and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"The Berry-Hannay Phase of the Equal-Sided Spring-Jointed Four-Bar Mechanism,"
Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 3406-3407, 2001.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu,
"Feedback Control Systems as Users of a Shared Network: Communicatio Sequences that Guarantee Stability,"
Proc. 40th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. , 2001.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- G.W. Carhart, M.A. Vorontsov, and E.W. Justh,
"Opto-electronic Zernike filter for high-resolution wavefront analysis using a phase-only liquid-crystal spatial light modulator,"
in High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications II, J.D. Gonglewski, M.A. Vorontsov, and M.T. Gruneisen, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol 4124, pp. 138-147, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E.W. Justh, M.A. Vorontsov, G.W. Carhart, L.A. Beresnev, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Adaptive wavefront control using a nonlinear Zernike filter,"
in High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications II, J.D. Gonglewski, M.A. Vorontsov, and M.T. Gruneisen, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol 4124, pp. 189-200, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- M.A. Vorontsov, E.W.Justh, and L.A. Beresnev,
"Advanced phase-contrast techniques for wavefront sensing and adaptive optics,"
in High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications II, J.D. Gonglewski, M.A. Vorontsov, and M.T. Gruneisen, eds., SPIE Proc. Vol 4124, pp. 98-109, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E.W. Justh, P.S. Krishnaprasad, and M.A. Vorontsov,
"Nonlinear Analysis of a High-Resolution Optical Wavefront Control System,"
Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp.3301-3306, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- B. Azimi-Sadjadi and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Approximate Nonlinear Filtering and Its Applications for GPS,"
Proc. 39th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 1579-1584, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu,
"The Dynamics of a Forced Sphere-Plate System,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp 678-687.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu,
"Robot Formations: Learning Minimum-length Paths on Uneven Terrain,"
Invited session on Sensor-based control in robotics,
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu,
"Stabilization of LTI systems with Communication Constraints,"
American Control Conference, pp 2342-2346, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- X. Tan, J.S. Baras, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Computational Micromagnetics for Magnetostrictive Actuators,"
in Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures,
V.V. Varadan, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3984 pp 162-173, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- X. Tan, J.S. Baras, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Fast Evaluation of Demagnetizing Field in Three Dimensional Micromagnetics using Multiple Approximation,"
in Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures,
V.V. Varadan, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3984 pp 195-201, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu,
"Generalized Inverses for Finite-Horizon Tracking,"
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE CDC, pp 1397-1402, 1999.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- D. Hristu, N.J. Ferrier, and R.W. Brockett,
"The performance of a deformable-membrane tactile sensor: basic results on geometrically-defined tasks,"
IEEE International Converence on Robotics and Automation,
vol. 1, pp 508-513, 2000.
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E. W. Justh and P. S. Krishnaprasad,
``Analysis of a complex activator-inhibitor equation,''
Technical Report TR 99-13, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E. W. Justh,
``Control of Large Actuator Arrays Using Pattern-Forming Systems,''
PhD Thesis PhD 98-6, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E. W. Justh, P. S. Krishnaprasad,
``A Lyapunov Functional for the Cubic Nonlinearity Activator-Inhibitor Model
Equation,'' Technical Report TR 98-36, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
George A. Kantor, P. S. Krishnaprasad,
"Efficient Implementation of Controllers for Large Scale Linear
Systems Via Wavelet Packet Transforms,"
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Venkataraman, J. Rameau and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Characterization of the ETREMA MP6 magnetostrictive actuator,''
Technical Report TR 98-1, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Venkataraman and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Qualitative Analysis of a Bulk Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Model,''
Technical Report TR 98-38, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
R.Venkataraman, W.P. Dayawansa and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``The Hybrid Motor Prototype: Design Details and Demonstration Results,''
Technical Report TR 98-2, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
R.Venkataraman and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``A Model for a thin Magnetostrictive Actuator,''
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Andrew J. Newman, P. S. Krishnaprasad,
"Nonlinear Model Reduction for RTCVD,"
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Andrew J. Newman, P. S. Krishnaprasad,
``Computation for Nonlinear Balancing,''
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Decision and Control,
Tampa, FL, December 16-18, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Andrew J. Newman, P. S. Krishnaprasad,
``Modeling and Model Reduction for Control and Optimization of Epitaxial
Growth in a Commercial Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor,''
Technical Report TR 98-45, Institute for Systems Research, 1998.
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Control Problems of Hydrodynamic Type,''
Technical Report TR 98-43, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda, J. Hendler, and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Languages, Behaviors, Hybrid Architectures, and Motion Control,''
Technical Report TR 98-3, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda,
``Control and Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Symmetry,''
PhD Thesis PhD 98-2, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
H. Struemper and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Motion Control for Nonholonomic Systems on Matrix Lie Groups,''
Technical Report TR 98-1, Institute for Systems Research, 1998
Abstract and complete PDF document
Motion, Control, and Geometry, (expository lectures by J.E Marsden,
R. Brockett, R. Murray and P.S. Krishnaprasad), Proceedings of a Symposium,
Board on Mathematical Sciences, National Research Council, 1997
Book and order info: National Academy Press
R.Venkataraman and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``Qualitative Analysis of the Bulk Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Model,''
Presented at the 3rd ARO Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures,
Blacksburg, VA, August 27-29, 1997
Abstract and complete PDF document
Herbert Struemper and P.S. Krishnaprasad :
"On Approximate Inversion and Feedback Stabilization for
Systems on Matrix Lie Groups",
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 1997
Download postscript file
Herbert Struemper and P.S. Krishnaprasad :
"Tracking and Stabilization for Control Systems on Matrix Lie Groups",
Technical Report TR 97-34, Institute for Systems Research, 1997
Abstract and complete PDF document
Herbert Struemper and P.S. Krishnaprasad :
"Approximate tracking for systems on three-dimensional matrix Lie groups via
feedback nipotentization ",
Proceedings of the 1997 IFAC Symposium on Robot Control
Download postscript file
Vikram Manikonda and P.S. Krishnaprasad :
"Controllability of Lie-Poisson Reduced Dynamics",
Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference
and Technical Report TR 97-59, Institute for Systems Research, May 1997
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda, P.S. Krishnaprasad and James Hendler:
"Languages, Behaviors, Hybrid Architectures and Motion Control",
Technical Report TR 97-33, Institute for Systems Research, March 1997
Abstract and complete PDF document
Mechanics Day (a volume of papers on Mechanics),
Editors: William F. Shadwick, P. S. Krishnaprasad, and Tudor Stefan Ratiu,
American Mathemtical Society, 1996.
Book and order info: AMS Bookstore
Eric W. Justh, P.S. Krishnaprasad and Francis J. Kub,
"Convergence Analysis and Analog Circuit Applications for a Class of Networks
of Nonlinear Coupled Oscillators",
Technical Report TR 96-37, Institute for Systems Research, May, 1996
Abstract and complete PDF document
Andrew Newman,
"Model Reduction via the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion Part I: An Exposition",
Technical Report TR 96-32, Institute for Systems Research, April, 1996
Abstract and complete PDF document
Andrew Newman,
"Model Reduction via the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion Part II: Some Elementary
Technical Report TR 96-33, Institute for Systems Research, April, 1996
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Dynamics and Controllability of a Planar Rigid Body with a Thruster",
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March 20-22, 1996
Download postscript file
George Kantor, Vikram Manikonda, Andrew Newman, Dimitris Tsakiris,
"Robotics for High-School Students in a University Environment",
Computer Science Education Journal, Volume 7, Number 2,
pp. 257-278, 1996;
and Technical Report TR 96-62, Institute for Systems Research
Abstract and complete PDF document
T. Kugarajah, P. S. Krishnaprasad, and W. P. Dayawansa,
``A Wavelet Approach to Wafer Temperature Measurement via Diffuse
Reflectance Spectroscopy,''
Technical Report TR 96-61, Institute for Systems Research, 1996.
Abstract and complete PDF document
T. Kugarajah,
``Neural Modeling with Wavelets and Applications in Adaptive/Learning Control,''
MS Thesis MS 95-1, Institute for Systems Research, 1995.
Abstract and complete PDF document
T. Kugarajah and Q. Zhang,
``Multidimensional Wavelet Frames,''
Technical Report TR 95-31, Institute for Systems Research, 1995.
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Venkataraman,
A Hybrid Actuator,
Master of Science Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department,
University of Maryland, College Park; also
Technical Report MS 95-4, Institute for Systems Research, 1995
Abstract and complete PDF document
George A. Kantor, "Linear Control Theory as Applied to Smart Structures",
Technical Report MS 95-12, 1995
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Venkataraman, J. Loncaric, W.P. Dayawansa and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
``A Smart Motor Concept Based on Piezoelectric-Magnetostrictive resonance,''
in I. Chopra ed. Proc. SPIE Conf. Smart Structures and Materials 1995:
Special Conf. Smart Structures and Integrated Systems,
SPIE vol. 2443, pp. 763-770, SPIE, Bellingham, 1995
A. M. Bloch, P. S. Krishnaprasad, J. E. Marsden, R. M. Murray
"Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with Symmetry",
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Revised June 1995
Download postscript file
Naomi E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad
"Motion Control of Drift-Free, Left-Invariant Systems on Lie Groups"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1995
Abstract and postscript file
P.S. Krishnaprasad and D.P. Tsakiris,
"Oscillations, SE(2)-Snakes and Motion Control",
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13-15, 1995
Download postscript file
W. Dayawansa, B. Ghosh, C. Martin, and A.Wang,
"A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Perspective
Observability Problem,"
to appear in Systems and Control Letters
F. Mazenc, L. Praly and W. P. Dayawansa,
"Counter-examples on Global Stabilization by Dynamic Feedback,"
to appear in Systems and Control Letters
S. Samelson and W. P. Dayawansa,
"On the Existence of Global Tchebychev Nets,"
to appear in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Vikram Manikonda, J. Hendler and P.S. Krishnaprasad :
"Formalizing Behavior-based Planning for Nonholonomic Robots",
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, August 20-25, 1995
Download postscript file
Vikram Manikonda, P.S. Krishnaprasad and J. Hendler;
"A Motion Description Language and a Hybrid Architecture for
Motion Planning with Nonholonomic Robots",
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation,
May 21-27, 1995
Abstract and complete PDF document
Vikram Manikonda,
``A Hybrid Control Strategy for Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance
with Nonholonomic Robots,''
Masters Thesis MS 94-8, Institute for Systems Research, 1994
Abstract and complete PDF document
- E. W. Justh,
``Convergence Analysis of a Class of Networks of Nonlinear Coupled
Oscillators,'' Masters Thesis MS 94-11, Institute for Systems Research, 1994
Abstract and complete PDF document
P.S. Krishnaprasad and D.P. Tsakiris,
"2-Module Nonholonomic Variable Geometry Truss Assembly: Motion Control",
Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'94),
Capri, Italy, September 19-21, 1994
Download postscript file
P.S. Krishnaprasad and D.P. Tsakiris,
"G-Snakes: Nonholonomic Kinematic Chains on Lie Groups",
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, December 14-16, 1994
Abstract and complete PDF document
N.E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Control of Switched Electrical Networks Using Averaging on Lie Groups,"
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
1994, pp. 1919-1924
Abstract and postscript file
N.E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Motion Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with an Adaptive Feature"
Proceedings of the 1994 Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Technology, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, July, 1994, pp. 282-288
Q. F. Wei, W. P. Dayawansa and W. S. Levine,
"Nonlinear Controller for an Inverted Pendulum Having Restricted Travel,"
submitted to Automatica
W. P. Dayawansa, C. F. Martin and S. Samelson,
"Asymptotic Stabilization of a Generic Class of Three Dimensional
Homogeneous Quadratic Systems,"
submitted to Systems and Control Letters
P. So, E. Ott, W. P. Dayawansa,
"Observing Chaos," to appear in Physics Review Letters
N.E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Averaging for Attitude Control and Motion Planning,"
Proceedings of the 32rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
1993, pp. 3098-3104
Abstract and postscript file
N. E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Averaging and Motion Control on Lie Groups,"
Technical Report TR 93-59, Institute for Systems Research, 47 pages
Abstract and complete PDF document
Y.C. Pati and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Analysis and Synthesis of Feedforward Neural Networks Using Discrete
Affine Wavelet Transformations,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4(1), 1993, pp. 73-85
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Rezaiifar, P. S. Krishnaprasad and W. P. Dayawansa,
"Wavelet Based Identification of a Flexible Structure with Surface
Mounted Smart Actuators and Sensors,"
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
San Antonio, Texas, Dec 1993
Q.F. Wei, P. S. Krishnaprasad and W. P. Dayawansa,
"Modelling of Impact on a Flexible Beam,"
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
San Antonio, Texas, Dec 1993
Abstract and complete PDF document
N.E. Leonard and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Adaptive Friction Compensation for Bi-Directional, Low-Velocity Position
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
1992, pp. 267-273
Abstract and complete PDF document
L-S. Wang and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Gyroscopic Control and Stabilization,"
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1992, Volume 2, pp. 367-415
Abstract and complete PDF document
Y.C. Pati, P.S. Krishnaprasad and M. Peckerar,
"An Analog Neural Network Solution to the Inverse Problem of `Early Taction,'"
IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, 8(2), 1992, pp. 196-212
P.S.Krishnaprasad and R. Yang,
"Geometric Phases, Anholonomy and Optimal Movement,"
Proc. 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
IEEE, New York, pp. 2185-2189
Abstract and complete PDF document
R. Shahidi, M. Shayman and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Mobile Robot Navigation using Potential Functions,"
Proc. 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
IEEE, New York, pp. 2047-2053
P.S. Krishnaprasad, R. Yang and W.P. Dayawansa,
"Control Problems on Principal Bundles and Nonholonomic Mechanics,"
invited paper, Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
IEEE, New York, 1991, pp. 1133-11
1990 and previous
P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"Geometric Phases and Optimal Reconfiguration for Multibody Systems,"
invited paper, Proc. 1990 American Control Conference,
American Automatic Control Council, Philadelphia, pp. 2440-2444
Abstract and complete PDF document
W. P. Dayawansa , C. F. Martin and G. Knowles,
"Asymptotic Stabilization of a Class of Smooth Two Dimensional Systems,"
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Volume 28, 1990, pp. 1321-1349
J.C. Simo, J.E. Marsden and P.S. Krishnaprasad,
"The Hamiltonian Structure of Nonlinear Elasticity: The Convective
Representation of Solids, Rods, and Plates,"
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,
104(2), 1988, pp. 125-183
Abstract and complete PDF document
Y.G. Oh, N. Sreenath, P.S. Krishnaprasad and J.E. Marsden,
"The Dynamics of Coupled Planar Rigid Bodies Part II: Bifurcations,
Periodic Solutions, and Chaos,"
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 1(3), 1989, pp. 269-298
Abstract and complete PDF document