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Knowledge Exchange: NEXTOR Research Symposium


NEXTOR Research Symposium

January 15, 2010

FAA Headquarters
Washington, DC

View Agenda


Welcome      Michael Ball, University of Maryland; John Pipes, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Performance Business Unit, FAA Air Traffic Organization
Opening Remarks      Hank Krakowski, Chief Operating Officer, FAA Air Traffic Organization

Session 1: U.S. - European Benchmarking Project

Chair: Mark Hansen, University of California, Berkeley
A Comparison of U.S. and European Delay Drivers      David Knorr, FAA and Philippe Enaud, Eurocontrol
Structural Differences in the U.S. and European Systems and Their Impact on Airline Scheduling Practices      Michael Ball, University of Maryland
Impact of Declared Capacities and ATC Operating Procedures on Capacity and Delays: U.S. vs. Europe      Amedeo Odoni, MIT
Departure Queueing: U.S. vs. Europe      Frank Berardino, GRA, Inc.

Session 2: Total Delay Impact Study

Chair: Michael Ball, University of Maryland
Cost of Flight Delays to Airlines      Mark Hansen, University of California, Berkeley
Effects of Schedule Unreliability on Departure Time Choice      Kevin Neels, The Brattle Group

Session 3: Safety Research

Chair: Lance Sherry, George Mason University
Better Trend Analysis in Aviation Safety      Arnie Barnett, MIT
Part 1: Identification of Wake Issues in NextGen
Part 2: Dyanamic Arrival Sequencing
Part 3: NextGen Procedures to Evaluate Wake Vortext Issues
Part 4: Potential NextGen EWR 22 Approach
Part 5: LGA-EWR Arrival-Arrival Interaction
     John Hansman and Alexander Donaldson, MIT
Wake Turbulence Modeling      John Shortle, George Mason University; Antonio Trani, Virginia Tech

Closing Remarks

David Chin, NEXTOR Program Director, FAA Traffic Organization