Faculty Directory

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Brundage, Michael
Brundage, Michael

Associate Research Engineer (ARLIS)

Affiliate Faculty (ISR)

Affiliate Associate Research Engineer (ME)

The Institute for Systems Research
Mechanical Engineering

Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)


Chen, Po-Yen
Chen, Po-Yen

Assistant Professor

Gabriel, Steven A.
Gabriel, Steven A.


Leader, Design, Systems and Reliability Group

Hedberg, Thomas
Hedberg, Thomas

Research Engineer

Associate Director for Education Programs

Lin, Ming
Lin, Ming


Dr. Barry Mersky and Capital One Endowed Professor

Distinguished University Professor

Porter, Adam
Porter, Adam


Executive Director, Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering

Weiss, Brian
Weiss, Brian

Associate Research Engineer (ARLIS)

Affiliate Faculty (ISR)

Affiliate Associate Research Engineer (ME)

The Institute for Systems Research
Mechanical Engineering

Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)


Wu, Min
Wu, Min

Distinguished University Professor

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Christine Yurie Kim Eminent Professor in Information Technology