Corson and Park have been issued US Patent #6,667,957

Former ISR Associate Research Scientist M. Scott Corson, along with Vincent Park of the Naval Research Laboratory, have been issued US Patent #6,667,957 for technology invented during Corson's tenure with ISR.

"Adaptive routing method for a dynamic network" is a highly-adaptive, loop-free, distributed routing algorithm for dynamic networks. The invention employs a "link reversal" algorithm. The protocol's reaction is structured as a sequence of diffusing computations, each of which consists of a sequence of directed link reversals. This behavior is achieved, in part, through the use of a "physical or logical clock" to establish the temporal order of topological change events. A key concept is an attempt to decouple (to the greatest extent possible) the generation of far-reaching control message propagation from the dynamics of the network topology

Published February 7, 2004