System Optimization and Tradeoff Analysis

Rather than apply system optimization to the detailed system design -- the traditional application of engineering optimization -- our goal here is to apply optimization, trade-off, and verification analysis procedures at both the logical and physical stages of design. i.e.,

The key question is not so much what algorithm is appropriate, but "what should the formulation for "optimization and trade-off" analysis look like?

Pathway of Development

Roughly speaking, the pathway of system development is as follows:

Goals and --> Use Cases --> textual  -----> synthesis of system ----> identification of design
Scenarios                   requirements    structure and system      parameters, objectives,
                                            behavior.                 and constaints.

Step 1. MultiCriteria Optimization

Use multicriteria optimization to find the set of noninferior design solutions.

[System trade-off]

Figure 1. Optimization Design and Performance Spaces

Regardless of whether a human or a machine does design, the primary design endeavour is one constraint satisfaction (i.e., finding a set of design parameter values that will satisfy all of the constraints), followed by design optimization (i.e., finding the optimal value of one or more design objectives, while remaining feasible).

Step 2. Group Classification in Performance Space

[System trade-off]

Figure 2. Group Classification in Performance Space

For example, product-lines.

Step 3. Ranking Design Alternatives

Use ranking methods to choose "most desirable option" among noninferior design solutions.

[System trade-off]

Figure 3. Evaluation and Ranking of Design Alternatives

From a mathematical standpoint, the details of each pathway will be affected by the quality of data/information available. Three broad categories of decision making exist: (1) decision making under certainty (i.e., deterministic); (2) decision making under risk; and (3) decision making under uncertainty.

Measures of Effectiveness

Procedures for Ranking Alternatives

In this section we describe scoring methods and the analytical hierarchy processs (AHP).

The "scoring" and "analytical hierarchy" methods are examples of methods where ideas, feelings and emotions are quantified to provide a numerical scale for assigning priorities among design alternatives.

Both methods are simple to apply, and depend on a preference structure that is obtained "prior" to to the start of the optimization process.

Scoring Method

Scoring methods provide an ordinal ranking of design alternatives. The computational procedure is composed of three simple steps:

  1. Weights are assigned to each criterion;
  2. The (design) alternatives are are rated against each criterion.
  3. The worth (value_j) of "design alternative j" is obtained by computing the weighed sum:
                     i = m
        value_j =  sum [ w_i * a_ij ]
                     i = 1

The design alternative with the highest worth (value_j) is selected as the best option.

See pages 19-20 of Mollaghasemi et al.

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed in the early 1970s as a means of enabling consistent and rational decisions ~\cite{fisher98,saaty83}. The AHP may be used for quantitative decision making based upon subjective and non-quantifiable criteria.

[System trade-off with AHP]

Figure 4. Problem Decomposition into a Hierarchy

The problem structure is as follows (Mollaghasemi, pg. 9):

  1. Reading Down.
    Reading down each branch, each goal must answer the "how" of its immediately higher goal.

  2. Reading Up.
    Reading up each branch, each higher goal answers "why" the goal above it is needed.

  3. Reading Across.
    Reading across the goals at a given level under a given goal, the questions are:

The purpose of these tests is to ensure a logical flow of reasoning in the hierarchy (albeit, subject to the note below).


  1. Site Selection for a Fed-Ex Package Facility
    See pg. 312 of the ENSE 621 class notes.
  2. Selection of a Job
    Based on money, work, and family considerations. See Mollaghasemi, pg's. 37-40.
  3. Selection of a School for Study
    See pg's. 520-524 of Taha, 1997.

Criteria for Ranking Design Alternatives

Favorable Properties of a Design Method (from G. Hazelrigg, NSF Program Manager)

The method should:

The bottom line:

Common Mistakes:

So what's important:

References and Web Resources
  1. Mollaghasemi M., Pet-Edwards J., "Making Multiple-Objective Decisions," IEEE Computer Society Technical Briefing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997.
  2. Taha H., "Operations Research: An Introduction," International Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1997.

Developed in November 2002 by Mark Austin
Copyright © 2002, Mark Austin. All rights reserved. These notes may not be reproduced without expressed written permission of Mark Austin.