XML Code for Requirements

This input file contains xml markup for five high-level requirements in the NASA GPM project. The requirements are organized into three layers.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!--comment SLATE Database sampled 11/26/2003  11:20:25 -->

<Req ROIN="8-378" type="Mission Objective" level="0">
       <Title text="Programmatic Requirements"/>
       <Description text="The GPM shall adhere to program
           requirements as agreed between the NASA Earth Science
           Enterprise and the NASA/GSFC GPM program office."/>
              <CompReq ROIN="8-2"/>
              <CompReq ROIN="8-4"/>
              <CompReq ROIN="8-5"/>
       <Attribute text="Assigned To" value="None"/>
       <Attribute text="Change Proposals Allowed" value="Not Assigned"/>
       <Attribute text="Criticality" value="None"/>
       <Attribute text="ID" value=""/>

<Req ROIN="8-2" type="Level 1" level="1">
       <Title text="Budget Requirements"/>
       <Description text="To Be Determined"/>
       <Attribute text="ID" value=""/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Title" value="Budget Requirements"/>
       <Attribute text="Rationale" value="Imposed by HQ."/>
       <Attribute text="Assigned To" value="Adams Jim"/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Status" value="Active"/>

<Req ROIN="8-4" type="Level 1" level="1">
       <Title text="Launch Date"/>
       <Description text="The launch of the GPM Core spacecraft
                             shall be planned for within the US
                             Government Fiscal Year 2008. "/>
              <CompReq ROIN="4-343"/>
       <Attribute text="ID" value=""/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Title" value="Launch Date"/>
       <Attribute text="Rationale" value="This requirement is based on
                  the JAXA development schedule as well as a reasonable
                  development time and funding profile for the NASA elements."/>
       <Attribute text="Assigned To" value="Adams Jim"/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Status" value="Active"/<
       <Attribute text="Criticality" value="None"/>
       <Attribute text="Inheritable" value="Yes"/>
       <Attribute text="Verification Status" value="None"/>
       <Attribute text="Verified By" value="None"/>
       <Attribute text="Verification Date/Time" value="YY/MM/DD-24:00"/>
       <Attribute text="Verification Level" value="Segment"/>
       <Attribute text="Verification Method" value="Analysis"/>
       <Attribute text="Test Report Number" value=""/>
       <Attribute text="Qualification Date/Time" value="YY/MM/DD-24:00"/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement State" value="Uncontrolled"/>
       <Attribute text="Change Proposals Allowed" value="Not Assigned"/>
       <Attribute text="Verification Description" value=""/>

<Req ROIN="4-343" type="Level 2" level="2">
       <Title text="Core Spacecraft Launch Vehicle"/>
       <Description text="The Core Spacecraft shall be compatible for
           a flight in early 2009 on the H-IIA 202 with a 1194M payload
           adapter in a 4/4D-LS fairing."/>
       <Attribute text="ID" value=""/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Title" value="Core Spacecraft Launch Vehicle"/>
       <Attribute text="Rationale" value="JAXA is providing a launch
                     vehicle to launch GCOM-A1 and GPM-Core together from TnSC, Japan."/>
       <Attribute text="Assigned To" value="None"/>
<Req ROIN="8-5" type="Level 1" level="1">
       <Title text="Schedule Constraints"/>
       <Description text="The GPM development shall be synchronized with
           the JAXA instrument and launch vehicle schedules to maximize
           partnership opportunities.  Also, where appropriate, programmatic
           schedules will be synchronized to enhance other international
           partnership opportunities."/>
       <Attribute text="ID" value=""/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Title" value="Schedule Constraints"/>
       <Attribute text="Rationale" value="To realize the full impact of GPM,
           foreign partnerships are required, so the GPM schedule must align
           with the schedules of those partners. The JAXA partnership has the
           highest priority since the primary spacecrat depends on this
           partnership for its instrument and launch."/>
       <Attribute text="Assigned To" value="Adams Jim"/>
       <Attribute text="Requirement Status" value="Active"/>
       <Attribute text="Criticality" value="None"/>
</ReqFlow >