The SIPE-2 planning is relevant and has already been applied to production line scheduling. web page is http://www.ai.sri.com/~sipe/ Here is a couple paragraphs from the web page: David Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning techniques developed over the past three decades at the AI Center of SRI International have now reached the point where they can impact real problems. SIPE-2 is the most advanced of SRI's plan generation and execution systems, and has been employed by numerous users to solve a range of interesting problems, as described above. It is the planner in the Cypress system.SIPE-2 is a performance-oriented, general-purpose software system for generating and monitoring the execution of plans. It plans hierarchically, using different levels of abstraction, and provides a formalism for describing actions as operators. Given an arbitrary initial situation and a set of goals, SIPE-2 either automatically or under interactive control combines operators to generate plans to achieve the prescribed goals in the given world. In contrast to most AI planning research, heuristic adequacy (efficiency) has been one of the primary goals in the design of SIPE-2, which includes many heuristics for reducing computational complexity. Unlike expert systems, the SIPE-2 architecture is capable of generating a novel sequence of actions that responds precisely to the situation at hand.
Planning requires the system to predict how the world will change as actions are performed. However, in real-world domains, things do not always proceed as planned and it becomes increasingly important to use as much as possible of the old plan when new situations arise. SIPE-2 has execution-monitoring techniques that accept new information about the world and modify the plan minimally to respond to unexpected events.
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