A consortium of researchers from Harvard University (
Roger Brockett ,
Howard Stone ), University of Maryland (
P. S. Krishnaprasad ,
John Baras )
and Boston University (
John Baillieul ,
Tom Bifano
has been selected as the recepient of a new award for research under the
Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI 97) Program
of the Army Research Office, on the topic of DESIGN AND CONTROL OF
SMART STRUCTURES . The award to the consortium is
at the level of $1 million per year for 3 years with the option of
an additional 2 years. The start date is May 1, 1997. A kick-off meeting
for the Center will be held at Harvard University on August 18 and 19.
The effort, directed by Prof. Roger Brockett
will include research in: nonlinear modeling, simulation
and control of magnetostrictive materials (e.g Terfenol), electrostrictive materials
(e.g. PMN), and other materials used in smart actuators; problems of control of
deformable bodies with embedded smart materials using electromagnetic
fields; communication and networking considerations in the integrated
design of smart composites;
computation and design tools for smart actuators and sensors;
fluid-structure interactions; and design, fabrication and testing of arrays of
MEMS structures (arrays of microvalves and electrostatically deformable
Of central interest to the research team are issues of coupling elastomechanics
and fluid mechanics with electrophysical influences such as piezo-electric
effects, magnetostrictive effects, and electrocapillary forces. The team
will explore the highly nonlinear equations governing the relevant phenomena
and develop control-oriented approaches to exploit and manipulate these effects
in engineering applications. The experimental efforts on fluid-related
problems will include studies of MEMS for control of flow over airfoils,
fabrication of parallel arrays of microvalves for flow control on small
scales and the solution of prototypical problems.
Resume of Tasks
1.Research on Very Small-Scale Servo Systems
Sensing and actuation
devices on length scales of millimeter and smaller will be considered
in large arrays, and communication and hierarchical control issues will be
treated. Nonlinear problems in MEMS devices such as snap-through instabilities,
hysteresis, thermal conditioning etc. will be attacked from the viewpoint
of local control.
2. Modeling for Sensing and Control:
Diverse fundamental physical
models of magnetoelastic and piezoelastic materials will be treated from
rigorous, modern, mathematical viewpoints. Methods for reduction of nonlinear
partial differential equations into low order ordinary differential equations
capturing the essential physics will be developed. Methods for stability analysis,
and feedback stabilization will be developed. Problems involving frequency
dependent hysteresis will be attacked from rigorous
physical understanding
coupled with experimental characterization. The tools created here will
be useful in the design of millimeter scale and larger scale actuators and
3. Systems of Embedded Micro-actuators for the Control of Flow over
Airfoils and in Arrays of Microvalves
Models of fluid flow over lifting
surfaces will be used to capture sufficient detail to control flow
separation. Hybrid control (combining gross pitch motions with coordinated
motions of microactuators) strategies will be developed. A modular ducted
flow experiment will serve as a testbed. The needed MEMS sensor/actuator
arrays will be fabricated using the Smart-MUMPS process at MCNC. This
will enable integration of control electronics with actuators.
4. Issues in the Control of Fluids on Small Length Scales
of fluid transport based on (i) direct boundary actuation, (ii) thermal
effects exploiting bubbles, (iii) electro-osmotic flows, (iv) streaming
based on rectification of oscillatory flows, (v) electrocapillarity, and
(vi) electro/magneto-rheological effects will be investigated. Fundamental
mathematical analysis will be carried out.
5. The Communications Theory of Very Large-Scale Device Networks
Quantized actuator concepts needing low local bandwidth will be investigated
in the formation of effective sensor-actuator networks. Tradeoffs between
network bandwidth and control performance will be analyzed.
6. Numerical Methods and CAD
Numerical integrators for geometrically
nonlinear models will be developed (especially for magnetostrictive materials).
Tools for systematic model reduction will be developed and implemented in
software based on scripting languages. Field visualization algorithms and
tools will be developed, to support actuator design and optimization.
Education and Training
The Center will foster the advanced research
training of pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers through inter-university
collaboration, collaboration with industry partners and with national
Points of Contact
The Center Director is Roger W. Brockett (An Wang
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Harvard
University). Co-Directors are P.S. Krishnaprasad (Professor of
Electrical Engineering and Institute for Systems Research at the University of
Maryland, College Park), and John Baillieul (Professor of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering and of Manufacturing Engineering at Boston University).
Contact information: Brockett
brockett@hrl.harvard.edu tel: 617-495-3922);
Krishnaprasad (email: krishna@isr.umd,edu
, tel: 301-405-6843); Baillieul (email:
johnb@enga.bu.edu , tel: 617-353-9848).
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