Industry Partners

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NEXTOR Industry Partner Program


I. Introduction.


The NEXTOR vision is to lead the aviation community by advancing new ideas and paradigms for aviation operations, educating and training aviation professionals, and promoting knowledge exchange among industry, government, and academic leaders.  In order to fulfill this vision, NEXTOR will continue to develop and maintain strong relationships with partners in the aviation industry.

The industry partner program provides the mechanism through which NEXTOR can foster strong, sustained interaction between key government offices, university researchers, and the aviation industry.  It provides our partners with access to key government decision makers through our industry conferences, a voice in the direction of aviation operations research through our Steering Committee, and an opportunity to interact with NEXTOR students who make up the future leaders of the aviation industry.

In a recent informal survey, our existing partners spoke highly of the technical knowledge they gained through NEXTOR.  They singled out NEXTOR’s industry conferences and short courses as particularly important places to exchange ideas, and noted that becoming a NEXTOR industry partner made it easier for them to recruit talent from our well-regarded graduate programs.


II. Benefits for Industry Partners.


NEXTOR provides substantial benefits to its industry partners.  These benefits include opportunities to directly participate in research, access to aviation operations researchers and students, and priority access to seminars and research activities.


a.   Opportunity to directly participate in research efforts 


1.   Potential participation in government contracted research projects

The NEXTOR universities each have Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreements in place with the FAA.  The Universities frequently collaborate with industry partner subcontractors on IDIQ work.  Industry partnership allows you to take advantage of these opportunities


2.  Membership on the NEXTOR Steering Committee

Industry partners are members of the NEXTOR Steering Committee, which meets semi-annually. The Steering Committee guides the development of NEXTOR’s research, training, and outreach programs and provides direction to researchers on future research areas..


3.  Research Sponsorship

NEXTOR industry partners are invited to sponsor research projects at affiliated universities. These projects enable partners to harness the capabilities of the best and brightest student and faculty researchers.


b.   Access to People

1.      Increased availability of professors. 

NEXTOR professors will be available to discuss issues with industry partners at the meetings of the NEXTOR Steering Committee, at the NEXTOR Research Symposium, and on an ad hoc basis.  This allows the industry partners to obtain expert advice on current topics in the aviation operations research field.


2.   Participation in the NEXTOR seminars

NEXTOR seminars give Industry Partners an inside look at the research that is being conducted at the NEXTOR universities.  It will also give you a chance to meet and get to know NEXTOR students in person, with the possibility of engaging them in interviews for summer internships or career positions.


c.   Access to knowledge


1. Guaranteed invitation to attend each of NEXTOR’s annual workshops and short courses

These workshops and short courses, which are sponsored jointly by each of the five universities and the FAA, focus on a topic of current interest. Participation in theses conferences is limited due to the strong interest they generate in the industry. Past workshops have included the participation of the FAA Administrator, Chief Operating Officer and other key industry players.


2.  Opportunity to preview NEXTOR reports and publications

Industry partners are afforded early access to reports and publications of NEXTOR for gaining early knowledge of new developments prior to their wide dissemination.  The right to use internally all data contained therein for research and evaluation purposes






III. Joining NEXTOR as an Industry Partner

Industry partnership is open to government and non-government organizations that share NEXTOR’s interest in and focus on aviation operations research.  Industry partnership is subject to the approval of the NEXTOR Executive Committee and can be maintained on an annual basis through active participation in NEXTOR activities and research, and through the maintenance of the applicable level of contribution as defined below:

Number of Employees

Required Minimum Annual Cash Contribution

Suggested Minimum Annual In-kind Support

Suggested Minimum Annual Project Support









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For non-government organizations, an annual cash contribution is necessary to maintain partnership in NEXTOR in good standing. This contribution should be made to the NEXTOR Program Office no later than July 1 of each year. The contribution should be accompanied by a letter identifying the contribution as support for NEXTOR. 

An in-kind contribution at the appropriate level is suggested, and can be in the form of equipment or services of benefit to the NEXTOR program.  Finally, the sponsorship of a defined project will allow the industry partner to directly participate with a faculty member on projects of mutual interest.  Either of these forms of contributions should be made directly to the appropriate NEXTOR university.


For government organizations, NEXTOR recognizes that certain federal, state, or local statutes can limit their ability to make direct cash contributions to NEXTOR.  In this case, the organization can maintain partnership with NEXTOR through the contribution of cash, in-kind support, or project support at the levels defined above. 

Exceptions to the above requirements can only be agreed to by the NEXTOR Executive Committee. An organization’s participation as a NEXTOR Industry Partner is guided by the terms and conditions of the participation agreement.  The agreement can be reviewed by contacting the NEXTOR program office.

IV. Management of Industry Partner Contributions

The NEXTOR Executive Committee controls funds generated from industry partners. The funds will be used to support NEXTOR administrative expenses and outreach activities and to support research projects.