IEEE Leadership Seminar: Mahshad Haeri, Partner Engineering Lead, Google Cloud

Friday, March 30, 2018
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
2460 A.V. Williams Building
Kara Stamets
301 405 4471

Mahshad Haeri

Partner Engineering Lead, Google Cloud Public Sector


The Many paths engineers can take to reach fulfillment and success

Abstract:  Your career journey is one you are fully in control of, although sometimes it may feel like it is totally out of your hands. For me, the path took many turns and now I find myself working in one of the most sought after companies in the world, doing something I love. I hope to share how I got here, some insight into what it is to be a sales engineer, and hopefully share what I think will be the most needed skills for the next generation of engineers coming out of school to succeed in the age of cloud computing.  

Bio: Mahshad was born and raised in Tehran/Iran. She moved to the united states after finishing high school and got her BS in Electrical Engineer from university of Maryland in 1997. Her career started as a junior Hardware engineer with a small company called “Denro” building air traffic control switches.  She quickly realized her passion for Software and went back to school to get her MS in Computer Science and her career as a Software engineer quickly took her to the field of Information technology and Web application development for the US government.  Eight years later, her love of technology and travel lead her to start a career as a sales engineer first with EMC and then Google. She has been working with Google Cloud for the past 7 years in various sales engineering teams and capacities.  


Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate 

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