Advanced Networks Colloquium: Tansu Alpcan, "Networks, Games and Machine Learning"

Friday, April 20, 2018
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Kim Edwards

Networks, Games, and Machine Learning

Tansu Alpcan
Associate Professor and Reader
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Melbourne

Game theory provides a solid mathematical foundation for resource allocation decisions by independent decision makers with conflicting interests. It has been successfully used to address a variety of problems in power, transportation, and communication networks. Game theory also provides a rich framework for modelling cybersecurity and adversarial machine learning. This talk encompasses topics that are within the triangle formed by networked systems, game-theoretic decisions, and (adversarial) machine learning. Firstly, fundamental game-theoretic concepts will be introduced. Next, an overview of recent promising applications to smart cities and adversarial learning will be presented. The talk will conclude with a speculative discussion on promising future research directions.

Tansu Alpcan received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2001 and 2006, respectively. His research investigates the applications of system and game theories to security and resource allocation problems in machine learning, smart grid, and Internet-of-Things. He chaired or was an Associate Editor, TPC chair, or TPC member of several prestigious workshops and conferences including IEEE Infocom, WiOpt, GameComm, GameNets, GameSec, Rawnet, NetGCoop, IEEE ISGT, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC), Comm. and Inf. Sys. Security Symposium. He is Steering Board Member of Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec) and was the general chair of the inaugural edition in 2010. He has been a member of IEEE since 1998 and has become a Senior Member in 2013.  He was the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2015-2017. Tansu Alpcan is the (co-)author of more than 150 journal and conference articles as well as the book "Network Security: A Decision and Game Theoretic Approach" published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). He co-edited the book "Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation" published by CUP in 2014. He has worked as a senior research scientist in Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany, between 2006 and 2009, and as assistant professor (Juniorprofessur) in Technical University Berlin from 2009 until 2011 while continuing his affiliation with the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. Tansu Alpcan has joined the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia in October 2011, where he continues to work as an Associate Professor and Reader.

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