MSE Seminar Series: Avik Ghosh, Ph.D., U. of VA

Friday, November 30, 2018
1:00 p.m.
2108 Chem/Nuc (bldg #90)
Ichiro Takeuchi

Speaker: Avik Ghosh, Professor of ECE and Physics, University of Virginia

Title: Emerging materials, quantum transport & energy efficient computing: From Cool Science to Smart Technology


As Moore's law draws to an end, there is a lot of interest in knowing what comes next, and how we could continue energy efficient computing that capitalizes on novel materials discovery, quantum evolution of correlated electronic states, or emerging brain inspired architecture. Over the years, we have developed the formal and computational tools that allow us to couple predictive electronic structure methods with non-equilibrium quantum transport to address fundamental and practical limits that address industrial needs. Through various techniques such as optimized tight binding algorithms, band unfolding at defects and interfaces, self-energies designed to capture dephasing and inelastic scattering, and many body Green’s functions for non-equilibrium correlations, we have reached quantitative understanding of novel phenomena in a number of emerging materials, such as skyrmions in magnetic films, negative index in graphene PN junctions, excitations in quantum dots and spin filtering in topological insulators.

Armed with our quantitative understanding and in collaboration with experimental colleagues, we can now address several fundamental questions relevant to nanomaterials and devices

1. Can we beat the superparamagnetic limit for ultrasmall nonvolatile memory using topologically protected magnetic states?

2.  Can we bypass the Boltzmann limit that constrains today's electronic logic?

3.  Can we exploit novel properties of graphene such as pseudospintronics to turn off its electrons without compromising mobility?

4.  Can we design the ultimate thermal impedance matching network to minimize interfacial heat loss?


Avik Ghosh is Professor at the Charles Brown Dept of Electrical and Computing Engineering and the Dept of Physics at the University of Virginia. He did his PhD in condensed matter theory at the Ohio State University, and a postdoctoral fellowship in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University.  He is the UVA site-director of the NSF-Industry University Cooperative Center on Multifunctional Integrated Systems Technology (MIST). Ghosh has authord 125+ refereed papers and a book (“Nanoelectronics – a Molecular View”, World Scientific) in the area of computational nano-materials and devices. He has given over 125 invited lectures worldwide. He is Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP), senior member of the IEEE, and has received the IBM Faculty Award, the NSF CAREER Award, a 2006 best paper award from the Army Research Office, and UVA’s All University Teaching Award. His group’s work with Columbia University on negative index behavior in graphene was voted by the editors of Physics World as one of the top10 breakthroughs of 2016.

Audience: Campus 

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