FPE Faculty Lecture Series: Refrigerant Flammability

Thursday, July 16, 2020
11:00 a.m.
via Zoom
Sebastian Chai-Onn

Join us this summer to learn from and interact with some of the best and brightest fire safety experts in the field as they address some of global society's most challenging and interesting issues!

All webinars will be conducted via Zoom, and there is no charge to register! 

The Summer 2020 schedule is as follows:

  • July 16, 11:00 am - Refrigerant Flammability
    Instructor: Peter Sunderland, FPE Professor

    Abstract: The annual rate of leaks from refrigeration systems worldwide is about 10% of the total charge. An international drive toward improved sustainability of refrigeration systems is motivating the adoption of refrigerants with low global warming and ozone depleting potentials. Most of these refrigerants are mildly flammable, which is the main impediment to their adoption. An introduction to the novel fire hazards will be presented, including those associated with halogens and hydrocarbons.

  • July 29, 1:00 pm - Computational Simulations to Develop Plans for Reopening During COVID-19
    James Milke, FPE Professor & Chair

    Abstract: With the interest in reopening buildings and facilities on campus to faculty, staff and students while maintaining social distancing during a pandemic, pedestrian plans need to be developed to address the flow of people in and out of buildings. Such plans need to distinguish entrance from exit doors, stairs for ascent vs those for the descent, and circulation patterns in aisles and corridors. This presentation will describe the use of a building evacuation computer simulation that’s been adapted to help develop the needed pedestrian plans. This presentation will include a case study where this computer simulation has been used to develop plans for a building at the College Park campus of the University of Maryland.

  • August 5, 11:00 am - Experimental Measurement & Computational Modeling of Material Flammability
    Instructor: Isaac Leventon, FPE Adjunct Lecturer & NIST Research Associate

    Abstract: This presentation will provide an overview of ongoing research conducted in collaboration between the University of Maryland (UMD) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop the measurement science capabilities – experimental, analytical, and computational modeling tools – needed to determine the material properties and physical mechanisms that control how and why things ignite, burn, and support fire growth. Specific applications of recent research include: experimental and modeling studies characterizing flame spread in wildfires, firebrand generation and ignition of structural components, reducing furniture flammability, fire growth in electrical enclosure fires in nuclear power plants, and understanding the mechanisms of actions of flame retardants.

  • August 21, 1:00 pm - Computer-Based Compartment Fire Modeling
    Instructor: Arnaud Trouvé, FPE Professor & Director of Graduate Studies

    Abstract: TBA


Registration is required. Please follow the links below to register individually:

July 16: Refrigerant Flammability

July 22: Computer Simulations COVID-19

August 5: Experimental Measurement & Modeling

August 21: Computer-based Fire Modeling 

Audience: Public 

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