INCOSE Seminar: Michael Hoover, "Critical Infrastructure Dependency Analysis"

Thursday, June 15, 2023
3:00 p.m.
Online presentation
Steve Sutton

Critical Infrastructure Dependency Analysis

Michael Hoover
Program Coordinator, All-Hazards Analysis capability (AHA)
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

Zoom information

Meeting ID: 837 6180 0930; Passcode: 080043


All Hazards Analysis (AHA) is a dynamic dependency analysis framework that enables critical infrastructure knowledge discovery and decision support. Developed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL), AHA identifies dependencies and associated risks, giving decision-makers and emergency managers a comprehensive view of interconnected infrastructure systems. AHA uses an optimized framework for the collection, storage, analysis, and visualization of critical infrastructure information. Utilizing a function-based approach, it presents information in the form of nodes (infrastructure) and links (dependency relationships). Because AHA continually learns, it can blend general and facility dependency profiles with new information and changing network structure. This allows for more detailed sector and consequence analysis than possible with other infrastructure modeling systems.


Michael Hoover is the Program Coordinator for the All-Hazards Analysis capability (AHA) in the Critical Infrastructure Security & Resilience division (CISR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He serves as the technical liaison between the AHA development team and sponsors of the program. INL/CISR supports the U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal, state, local, and private partners with unique capabilities to complex technical challenges. The current CISR/AHA portfolio has a broad impact and includes the areas of critical infrastructure analysis, continuity of operations planning for government and private organizations, infrastructure dataset building, cyber-physical infrastructure disruption simulations, and advanced visualizations of complex data using the Windows Mixed Reality headset technology.

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