ISR Systems Seminar: Evaluating the Air Force Tanker Selection Process

Friday, February 6, 2009
11:00 a.m.
1146 A.V. Williams Building
Jeffrey Herrmann
301 405 5433

Michael R. Golden
Managing Associate General Counsel
Procurement Law Division
United States Government Accountability Office

Mr. Golden will discuss the GAO's decision in the Boeing Company's protest of the award of a contract to Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation by the Department of the Air Force for the KC-X aerial refueling tankers. Mr. Golden will explain GAO's role in resolving bid protests and the decision-making process that led to GAO's sustaining (finding in favor) of Boeing's protest.

Since 2006, Mr. Golden has led the GAO’s Procurement Law Division, which hears protests of contract awards that follow from a particular procurement process. He has served in the GAO’s general counsel office since 1978 and was the assistant general counsel. He received an undergraduate degree from Cornell University and his law degree from Hofstra University.

In 2004, the GAO's legal name became the Government Accountability Office to reflect the modern professional services that GAO conducts. The agency is headed by the Comptroller General and has its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) provides legal services that help ensure efficient, effective, and economical government operations. OGC attorneys assist Congress, federal agencies, and GAO analysts in interpreting the laws that govern the expenditure of public funds and the myriad of government programs and activities.

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