News Story
Baras Delivers Keynote Address at Control Over Communication Workshop

Prof. John S. Baras
The aim of the ConCom workshop is to introduce participants to the multi-disciplinary topic of feedback control over noisy communication channels. Recent technological advances in terms of cost-effective, special-purpose, computing architectures and the high accessibility of network connectivity open up exciting possibilities for computer-based control methodologies that can be applied either centrally or distributively/hierarchically depending on the underlying application and objective. As a result, there is an increased interest in these types of systems and an emerging need to better understand: (i) how feedback control strategies are affected by and can account for noise, capacity constraints and delays that arise due to the nature of the communication channels that are available, and (ii) how perfect or imperfect feedback strategies influence the capacity and fidelity of a given communication channel. The workshop aims to bring together experts from the areas of systems and control, network information theory, communication, and distributed computing.
Published May 9, 2007