News Story
Carlos Berenstein to retire in July

Professor Carlos Berenstein (Math/ISR) is retiring in July after a long and distinguished career at the University of Maryland. In a special lecture on May 21, Dr. Berenstein reminisced about how being part of the Institute for Systems Research has influenced his work. "Being with engineers changed the way I thought about mathematics," he said. He also praised ISR for the opportunity it gave him to collaborate with a very large number of other faculty and students. Describing the interdisciplinary collaboration process, Berenstein said, "We ask each other questions, and we mention things to each other, and off we go!" Professors P.S. Krishnaprasad and John Baras also shared their appreciation for the collaborative work they did with Dr. Berenstein over the years. Krishnaprasad spoke of Berenstein's kindnesses to him in his early years on the faculty, and their work together on important problems and papers. Baras shared how collaborating with Berenstein helped to "open my eyes" to certain aspects of problems with which he was dealing. He also spoke of Berenstein's recent work with him in tomography. "To me personally, and to my students, Carlos has been a tremendous influence," Baras said. Read news stories from Berenstein's career, including his two patents, "Denoising Mechanism for Speech Signals using Embedded Thresholds and an Analysis Dictionary" (2008), and "Method and Apparatus for Processing Data from a Tomographic Imaging System" (1999).
Published May 18, 2009