News Story
Ephremides Engages in Distinguished Lecture Tour in Sweden

Prof. Anthony Ephremides
He was at the Royal Technical University (KTH) in Stockholm on Monday, Sept 27; the University of Linkoepping on Tuesday, Sept. 28; Lund University on Wednesday, Sept. 29; and Chalmers Technical Institute in Goeteborg on Thursday, Sept. 30. During these visits, Prof. Ephremides also laid out the basis for possible collaborations with colleagues from these institutions and possible agreements of cooperation with the University of Maryland.
Before his trip to Sweden, Prof. Ephremides participated in a workshop on Green Communications in Istanbul, Turkey, where he promoted the upcoming University of Maryland Green Communications workshop, which will be held on Oct 14-15. He also presented recent results through joint work with his student Nof Abu-Zainab. Members of the Green Touch Consortium, including the chair, Gee Rittenhouse of Lucent-Alcatel Bell Labs, were present. The group discussed possible projects within the consortium, of which the University of Maryland Institute for Systems Research (ISR) is a member, as part of one of the ISR’s thrust areas of new initiatives.
Published October 1, 2010