News Story
Optical Signal Processing Based on Light Controlled Photon Tunneling (ISR IP)
For more information, contact ISR External Relations Director
Jeff Coriale at or 301.405.6604.
Igor Smolyaninov, Christopher Davis, Anatoly Zayats
U.S. Patent: 6,897,436
Innovations in the field of optical technology will continue to offer system designers the opportunity to create new solutions that will further stimulate the evolution of the all-optical telecommunication networks. In the same way that transistors and integrated circuits transformed the twentieth century into the " electronic century", all-optical components will make the first century of the millennium "the photonic century.”
Researchers at the University of Maryland have developed and proved the possibility of controlling light transmission at a single photon level. Their elegant approach, based on a new concept of light-controlled photon tunneling, opens the possibility of processing information via light at a very basic level, "controlling light by light."
This research can be used in a variety of applications for next step applications in "all-optical" technology including quantum computing, all-optical signal processing and control.
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If you would like to license this intellectual property, have questions, would like to contact the inventors, or need more information, contact ISR External Relations Director Jeff Coriale at or 301.405.6604.
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Published June 19, 2007