News Story
Qu Receives Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Research Award
Assistant Professor Dr. Gang Qu (ECE/UMIACS) has won a Trustworthy Computing (TWC) Curriculum RFP award from Microsoft Research. Dr. Qu received a $50,000 cash award for his winning project titled "A Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approach to Raise the Global Awareness of Trustworthy Computing.” This award will enable Qu to conduct research and curriculum development that integrates security, privacy, reliability, and business integrity.
A new upper level undergraduate course titled "Introduction to Trustworthy Computing" will be offered by Qu in Spring 2006. The new course will have deep computer science and engineering content, but will also include business case studies and analysis, guest speakers from social science and industry, a seminar series associated with the course, and a column in the school paper on Trustworthy Computing topics. The class will conduct campus-wide surveys to test the success of the project and raise the publicity and visibility of trustworthy computing. The course materials will be made available to the public both at the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance Curriculum Repository and the National Information Assurance Training and Education Center.
Dr. Qu’s was one of fifteen Trustworthy Computing Curriculum RFP awards presented by Microsoft Research. Award criteria for this competitive program included the creation of a new course or series of courses designed to introduce students to all four areas of trustworthy computing: security, privacy, reliability, and business integrity.
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Published June 28, 2005