Speech Discrimination Based on Multiscale Spectro-Temporal Modulations (ISR IP)

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Jeff Coriale at coriale@umd.edu or 301.405.6604.

ISR intellectual property available to license

Nima Mesgarani, Shihab Shamma

U.S. Patent: 7,505,902

Researchers at the University of Maryland have developed a content-based audio classification algorithm based on novel multiscale spectro-temporal modulation features inspired by cortical processing.

A potential use for the classification system is to discriminate speech from non-speech. Non-speech, for example, could consist of animal vocalizations, music, or environmental sounds. In head-to-head comparisons with two other state-of the-art approaches to discriminating between speech and non-speech, the multiscale spectro-temporal system performed significantly better.

These algorithms also have applications in audio and data retrieval, archival management, modern human-computer interfaces, and in the entertainment and security industries. The researchers are also working on developing algorithms to enhance speech in noisy environments using an auditory model.

For more information
If you would like to license this intellectual property, have questions, would like to contact the inventors, or need more information, contact ISR External Relations Director Jeff Coriale at coriale@umd.edu or 301.405.6604.

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ISR-IP-Shamma ISR-IP-biological ISR-IP-audio

Published June 21, 2007