News Story
University of Maryland Creates Master's in Robotics Targeted at High-Tech Professionals

The curriculum is designed to cover fundamental and applied topics in robotics modeling, control of robotic systems, planning and perception for autonomous robots. Students will tailor their programs in a variety of areas including optimization and algorithms, performance analysis and design methods, or modeling, systems and control. Additional elective courses through the Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity, Systems Engineering, and Reliability Engineering programs are also available to round out a student’s academic program
The advent of this program comes at a time when practicing scientists and engineers are needed in the rapidly developing robotics field. The program allows working professionals the opportunity to develop their current knowledge through a highly focused/technical curriculum without leaving their current full-time positions. Students within the program will receive instruction from the University’s foremost scientists in developing fields within robotics, as well as from experts from the public and private sectors. Learn more at
Published July 29, 2013