Note: This list encompasses everyone who has been a joint appointment or affiliate ISR faculty member since the institute's inception in 1985.

Eyad Abed
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2001

Pamela Abshire
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018

Raymond Adomaitis
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2011

Stuart Antman
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009

Michael Ball
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2004

John Baras
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1984
International Federation of Automatic Control, 2014
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 2006
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015
National Academy of Inventors, 2015
American Mathematical Society, 2019
American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronomics, 2020

Alexander Barg
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2007

Roger Brockett
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1974
National Academy of Engineering, 1991

Kyu-Yong Choi
National Academy of Engineering of Korea, 2000
Korean Academy of Science and Technology, 2001

Rance Cleaveland
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021

Avis Cohen
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008

Jaydev Desai
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015

Robert Dooling
Acoustical Society of America
American Psychological Association

Anthony Ephremides
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1984

Carol Espy-Wilson
Acoustical Society of America, 2005
International Speech Communication Association, 2018
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021

Nariman Farvardin
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1998

Alison Flatau
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015

Michael Fu
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2007
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 2007

Reza Ghodssi
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015
American Vacuum Society, 2015
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015

S. K. Gupta
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007

James Hendler
American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2000

Joseph JáJá
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996
Association for Computing Machinery, 2001

Ben Kedem
American Statistical Association, 1999

Alireza Khaligh
Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019
Society of Automotive Engineers International, 2023

P. S. Krishnaprasad
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990

Carl Landwehr
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013

Chi Lee
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1991
Optical Society of America

William Levine
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1986

K.J. Ray Liu
National Academy of Inventors, 2019
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2002

Armand Makowski
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2006

Dinesh Manocha
National Academy of Inventors, 2023
Association of Computing Machinery Special Interest Group in Graphics (SIGGRAPH) Academy, 2019
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fellow, 2018
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow, 2012
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2011
Association for Computing Machinery Fellow, 2009
Sloan Research Fellowship, 1995
IBM Fellowship, 1992
Alfred and Chella D. Moore Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley, 1988

Steven Marcus
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1986
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009

Thomas McAvoy
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1989

Cynthia Moss
Acoustical Society of America, 2001
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2013

Prakash Narayan
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2001

Dana Nau
American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1996
Association for Computing Machinery, 2013
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2023

Gang Qu
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020

William Regli
Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2020

Nicholas Roussopoulos
Association for Computing Machinery, 2001

Gary Rubloff
American Physical Society, 1986
American Vacuum Society, 1993

Peter Sandborn
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013

Paul Schonfeld
Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1998
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1994

Shihab Shamma
Acoustical Society of America, 2004
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018

Mark Shayman
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009

Ben Shneiderman
Association for Computing Machinery, 1997
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001
National Academy of Engineering, 2010
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011
National Academy of Inventors, 2015
IEEE Visualization Academy, 2019

Ankur Srivastava
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023

André Tits
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 1998

V.S. Subrahmanian
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008

Sennur Ulukus
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016

Min Wu
National Academy of Inventors, 2019
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010

Note: This list encompasses everyone who has been a joint appointment or affiliate ISR faculty member since the institute's inception in 1985.

Eyad Abed
American Automatic Control Council’s O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award
Senior Fulbright Scholar Award from the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars
Naval Research Laboratory’s Alan Berman Research Publication Award

Raymond Adomaitis
Charles W Pierce Distinguished Alumni Award (Ill. Inst. Tech.), 2014
Globex Fellow (Peking University), 2013

David Akin
AIAA “Broken Propeller” Award, 1999

Stuart Antman
SIAM Theodore von Karman Prize, 1999
ASME Lyapunov Award, 2015

Mark Austin
Best Paper Award, 12th International Conference on Systems (ICONS), 2017
Best Conference Paper Award (CSER, GIT), 2013
B. Mar Outstanding Systems Engineering Paper Award (INCOSE), 2012
Best Paper Award 6th World MultiConference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2002

Michael Ball
Best Paper Award, 5th USA/Europe ATM 2003 R&D Seminar, 2003
Best Paper in Traffic Flow Optimization, 6th USA/Europe ATM 2005 R&D Seminar, 2005
Best Paper in Metrics and Performance Management, 6th USA/Europe ATM 2005 R&D Seminar, 2005
Best Paper in Finance and Policy, 9th USA/Europe ATM 2011 R&D Seminar, 2011
Best Paper in Advanced Modeling, 5th International Conf. on Research in Air Transportation, 2012
Best Paper in Network Management Track, 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2014

John S. Baras
Research Publication Award, NRL, 1978
George S Axelby Prixe, IEEE, 1980
Alan Berman Research Publication Award, NRL, 1983
Alan Berman Research Publication Award, NRL, 1993
Award for Outstanding Performance for Analysis, Engineering and Inplementation of a Novel, Actively Controlled Toolpost for High Precision Machining, DARPA, 1995
Outstanding Paper Award, Design SuperCon, 1996
Outstanding Service and Contributions, State of Maryland, 1997
Mancur Olson Research Achievement Award, 1998
Best Paper Award, Army Science Conference, 2002
Best Paper Award, ACM Workshop, 2004
Leonard G Abraham Prize in Communication Systems, IEEE, 2007
Best Paper Award for Wireless Networks, IEEE, 2008
Best Paper Award, Army Science Conference, 2008
Maryland Innovator of the Year, Maryland Daily Record, 2009
Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award, American Automatic Control Council, 2017
Simon Ramo Medal, IEEE, 2017
Aerospace Communications Award, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018

Alexander Barg
Richard W. Hamming Medal, IEEE, 2023
IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award, 2015
IEEE Communications Society Data Storage Committee Best Paper Award (with Min Ye), 2017

Sarah Bergbreiter
Best Conference Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010
IROS NTF Award for Entertainment Robots and Systems, 2011

Rance Cleaveland
Excellence in Oral Presentation Award, Society for Automotive Engineers, 2008
Engineering Research Achievement Award, Alcoa Foundation, 1994

Dana Dachman-Soled
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 2015

Robert Dooling
Irma T. Hirschl Career Development Award, 1980
NIMH Research Scientist Award (not activated), 1981
NIH Research Career Development Award, 1982
Washington Academy of Sciences Behavioral Research, 1983
Alexander v. Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, 1990
NIMH Research Scientist Award, 1992

Anthony Ephremides
NRL Research Publication Award, 1987
IEEE Donald Fink Paper Award for Best Tutorial Paper, 1991NRL Alan Berman Research Publication Award, 1996
ACM/SIGMOBILE Award for Outstanding Contributions to Research on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data, and Computing, 1996
IEEE Third Millennium Medal, 1999
IEEE MILCOM Fred Ellersick Award for Best Paper, 2000
NRL Alan Berman Research Publication Award, 2000
Fred W. Ellersick Milcom Award for the “Best Paper in the Unclassified Technology Program” (IEEE), 2000
NRL Best Research Publication Award, 2002
NRL Alan Berman Research Publication Award, 2004
Aaron Wyner Distinguished Award for Service and Leadership in Information Theory, 2006
IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2006
NRL Alan Berman Research Publication Award, 2006
Best Paper Award, WiOpt Conference in Avignon, France, 2010

Carol Espy-Wilson
NIH Independent Scientist Award
Grand Prize, Rockville Economic Development Inc. (REDI) StartRight! Women's Business Plan Competition, 2010
$50,000 SAIC-VentureAccelerator Competition, 2010
Maryland Innovator of the Year, 2010

Michael Fu
Allen J. Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence, 1995
INFORMS Simulation Society Outstanding Simulation Publication Award for the research monograph Conditional Monte Carlo: Gradient Estimation and Optimization Applications, 1998
Best Paper Award, IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering, 1998
IIE Operations Research Division Award, 1999
Operations Research Meritorious Service Award, 1999
Best Paper Award for “Optimization of Discrete Event Systems via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,” 1999
Best Theoretical Paper Award, Winter Simulation Conference, 2009
Best Theoretical Paper Award, Winter Simulation Conference, 2012
Distinguished Service Award, INFORMS Simulation Society, 2018
INFORMS George E. Kimball Medal, 2022

Reza Ghodssi
AVS Best Paper Award, 2004
IPRM Best Paper Award, 2005
NAE US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, 2007
NAE European-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, 2010
IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenge Conference 2012 at the NAE, 2012

Neil Goldsman
Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Award (FlexEl), 2010

S.K. Gupta
ASME Best Paper Award, 1994
ASME Best Paper Award for “Manufacturability Analysis for Solid Freeform Fabrication”, 1999
SME Robert W Galvin Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2001
Literati Club’s Highly Commended Award for “Intelligent Assembly Modeling and Simulation,” published in <em>Assembly Automation</em>, 2002
ASME Best Paper Award, 2006
Trailblazer Award, Science Spectrum Magazine, 2006Best Paper Award (complaint mechanism category), 34th ASME Mechanism and Robotics Conference, 2010
ASME Kos Ishii-Toshiba Award, 2011
ASME Best Paper Award, 2012
Most Cited Paper Work, Computer Aided Design Journal, 2012
ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Division’s Excellence in Research Award, 2013
ASME Prakash Krishnaswami Best Paper Award, 2013
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Technology Rorkee, 2014

Jeffrey Herrmann
Society for Health Systems Diplomate, 2013

Ben Kedem
Journal of Time Series Analysis Distinguished Author, 2020
Goddard Exceptional Achievement Award, 1997

Alireza Khaligh
IIT Armour College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, 2009
SAE Ralph R Teetor Educational Award, 2010
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award, 2012
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Best Vehicular Electronics Paper Award, 2013
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS Distinguished Lecturer), 2014
IEEE Featured Author, 2023
IEEE PELS Vehicle and Transportation Systems Achievement Award from IEEE Power Electronics Society, 2022
6th Nagamori Award, Nagamori Foundation, Japan, 2021

P. S. Krishnaprasad
IEEE Control System Society Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize, 2007
Team member, American Helicopter Society Grover E. Bell Award (2002), to the Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Research Center, for work on smart structures 1991–1996
Technical University of Munich, Munich Mathematical Colloquium Lecturer – lecture delivered on “Geometric Control, Cohesion and Pursuit,” 2006
Princeton University Baetjer Colloquium Lectureship, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Princeton University, in recognition of contributions to the field of geometric control, filtering theory, robotics & bio-inspired design. Lecture delivered on “Structure and Dynamics in Collectives,” 2012 

Miroslav Kristic
O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award of the American Automatic Control Council for “Asymptotic Properties of Adaptive Nonlinear Stabilizers,” 1995

William S. Levine
IEEE Third Millennium Medal, 1999
Schroers Award for Outstanding Rotorcraft Research, 1998

K.J. Ray Liu
Best Paper Award for “Downlink Beamforming for DS-CDMA Mobile Radio with Multimedia Services”, 1999
IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2003
Member-at-Large of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors, 2004
IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 2005
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Best Paper Award, 2004

David Lovell
ISHGD Best Paper Award, 2010
EWB-USA Peter J Bosscher Faculty Adviser Award, 2012
ICRAT Best Paper Award, 2013

Armand Makowski
Lady Davis Trust Fellowship (Visiting Professorship for Fall 2014) Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014

Dinesh Manocha
Google Faculty Research, 2023
Best Paper, IROS Workshop on Advances in Multi-Agent Learning, 2023
Northrop Grumman Faculty Research Award, 2022
Best Paper Award, ACM SIGGRAPH MIG Conference, 2022
Verisk AI Faculty Research Award, 2022
Amazon Research Award, 2022
Facebook Distinguished Faculty Award, 2021
IEEE VR Best Conference Paper, 2021
Facebook Distinguished Faculty Award, 2019
Google DayDream Faculty Award, 2017
High Performance Graphics Conference, Test of Time 2006 Award, 2015
Google Faculty Research, 2015
Best Paper Award, NC Acoustic Society, 2013
NVIDIA Professor Partnership, 2008
Best Paper Award at Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Conference, 2008
Best Paper Award, VRST Conference, 2007
Best Paper Award, VRST Conference, 2007
Phi Delta Theta/Matthew Mason Distinguished Professor, 2006
Best Paper, Research and Development Track, I/ITSEC, 2005
IEEE VR Best Conference Paper, 2005
Best Paper Award, Pacific Graphics Conference, 2004
Best Paper Award, ACM/SIGGRAPH Conference on Solid Modeling and Applications, 2003
Best Paper Award, ACM Multimedia Conference, 2001
Best Panel Award, IEEE Visualization Conference, 2001
Best Paper Award, Eurographics Conference, 1999
Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prize for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement, 1998
Best Paper Award, SuperComputing, 1996

Steve Marcus
Benjamin J. Dasher Best Paper Award, IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2002

Nuno Martins
O Hugo Schuck Award awarded for the best theory paper in the 2005 American Control Conference, 2006
George Axelby Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2010

Thomas McAvoy
Harry C. Bigglestone Award for Excellence in Communications of Fire Protection Concepts, 1996

Dana Nau
ASME Best Paper Award, 1994
Bridge Baron world championship of computer bridge, 1997
Winner, Baron Barclay World Bridge Computer Challenge, 1997
AIPS Distinguished Performance Award for SHOP2, 2002
ECCBR Best Research Paper Award, 2002
ICAPS Influential Paper Honorable Mention, 2009

Gang Qu
ACM SIG Governing Board Recognition of Service Award, 2005
ASAP Best Paper Award, 2006
ACM SIG Governing Board Recognition of Service Award, 2006
AsianHOST Best Paper Award, 2024

Michael Pecht
American Society for Quality Control Reliability Division’s Austin Bonis Award for the Advancement of Reliability Education, 1996

S. Raghu Raghavan
George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award, 1996
INFORMS Junior Faculty paper competition, “Long-Distance Access Network Design.” Second place prize, 2003
INFORMS Computing Society Prize, 2005
Finalist, INFORMS Daniel H Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice, 2005
INFORMS Computing Society Outstanding Service Award, 2005
Glover/Klingman Prize: Best paper published in the journal <em>Networks in 2005</em>, 2006
INFORMS Computing Society Prize, 2008
Finalist, European Excellence in Practice Award (European Operational Research Society, 2009
Management Science Strategic Innovation Prize, European Association of Operational Research Societies (EURO), 2010
INFORMS Telecommunications Section Prize Best Paper Award, 2016
INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of the OR/MS Practice, 2016

Ramamoorthy Ramesh
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior Scientist Award, 2000

Michael Rotkowitz
SIAM Control and Systems Theory Prize, 2011

Nicholas Roussopoulos
ACM-SIGMOD Best Paper Award, 1999

Gary Rubloff
American Vacuum Society Gaede-Langmuir Award, 2000

Shihab Shamma
European Research Council Advanced Senior Award, 2012

Ben Shneiderman
HCI Medal for Societal Impact, 2022
IEEE VIS Test of Time Award, 2021
ACM SIGDOC Jospeh Rigo Award for the book, Designing the User Interface, 1996

Ankur Srivastava
International Symposium on VLSI Best Paper Award, 2012
ACM Distinguished Speaker, 2011

Sennur Ulukus

IEEE Communications Society Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) Standing Committee Outstanding Achievement Award "for outstanding technical work and for achieving a high degree of visibility in the field of communications engineering, through research and service," 2020
IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing: Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, 2020
IEEE Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2018-2019
Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher, 2017
IEEE Guglielmo Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications for the paper, “Wireless Systems and Interference Avoidance” (published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications), 2003

Min Wu
Technology Review’s top 100 young innovators in the world, 2004
IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 2005
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Best Paper Award, 2004
IEEE Education Society Harriett B. Rigas Award for outstanding leadership in signal processing, education, and mentoring, 2019

Guangming Zhang
Member of the Year Award, Region 3 (East Coast), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1999
Certificate of Award for Outstanding Achievement in Service offered to the International Society of Agile Manufacturing, 1998

Kaiqing Zhang
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) Best Paper Award
Kaiqing Zhang, 2022


Note: This list encompasses everyone who has been a joint appointment or affiliate ISR faculty member since the institute's inception in 1985.

Eyad Abed
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award for “Nonlinear Control and Order Reduction,” 1987

Pamela Abshire
NSF CAREER for “Physical Information Efficiency for Sensing, Communicating, and Computing,” 2003

Raymond A. Adomaitis
NSF Engineering Education Scholar, 1995

Behtash Babadi
NSF CAREER for "Deciphering Brain Function through Dynamic Sparse Signal Processing," 2016

Elias Balaras
NSF CAREER for “Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows with Dynamically Moving Boundaries,” 2004

Rajeev Barua
NSF CAREER for “Synthesis-Assistance and Compilation Software for Embedded Systems,” 2001

Sarah Bergbreiter
NSF CAREER for “Microrobot Legs for Fast Locomotion over Rough Terrain”, 2011
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award), 2013

Rance Cleaveland
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1992
ONR Young Investigator Award, 1992

Michel Cukier
NSF CAREER for “Probabilistic Evaluation of Computer Security based on Experimental Data,” 2003

Dana Dachman-Soled
NSF CAREER for "Non-Black Box Cryptography: Defending against and Benefitting from Access to Code," 2015

Don DeVoe
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award), 1999

Allison Druin
NSF CAREER for “A Classroom of the Future: Developing and Infusing New Technologies in Early Childhood Education,” 2000

Ralph Etienne-Cummings
ONR Young Investigators Award, 2000

Nariman Farvardin
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award for “Design and Analysis of Data Compression Schemes for Nonstationary Sources,” 1987

Reza Ghodssi
NSF CAREER Award, 2002

S.K. Gupta
ONR Young Investigator, 2000
Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Robert W. Galvin Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2000
NSF CAREER for “Automated Design of Multi-Piece Molds -- A Step towards Manufacturing of Geometrically Complex Heterogeneous Objects,” 2001
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award), 2001

Jeffrey Herrmann
SME Jiri Tlusty Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, 2003

Timothy Horiuchi
NSF CAREER for “Adaptive Neuromorphic VLSI for Improving Accuracy and Precision: Modeling Attention for Bat Echolocation,” 2004

Bruce Jacob
NSF CAREER Award, 2000

Patrick Kanold
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow, 2010

Miroslav Kristic

Richard La
NSF CAREER for “Networking Modeling and Resource Allocation,” 2003

K.J. Ray Liu
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1994

Armand Makowski
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1984

Dinesh Manocha
Pioneer Award, Solid Modelling Association, 2019
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator, 1996
National Science Foundation, 1995

Nuno Martins
NSF CAREER for “Distributed control of dynamic systems using a wireless communcation medium: two new paradigms,” 2007

Kumar Vijay Mishra 
IEEE Signal Processing Society Pierre-Simon Laplace Early Career Technical Achievement Award, 2024

Dana Nau
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1984
IBM Faculty Development Award, 1984

Derek Paley
NSF CAREER for Dynamics and Control of Motion Coordination for Information Transmission in Groups, 2010
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award): “Bio-Inspired Propulsion, Sensing and Control for a Novel Underwater Vehicle,” 2013

Harhalabos Papadopolous
NSF CAREER for Efficient Encoding and Data Fusion Strategies for Wireless Networks of Sensors and Actuators, 2001

Michael Rotkowitz
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award), 2017
NSF CAREER Award for for “Decentralization and Parsimony for Implementable Control of Massively Interconnected Systems,” 2014

Linda Schmidt
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1999

Benjamin Shapiro
NSF CAREER for “Feedback Control of Micro-Fluidic Packets and the Bio-Particles within Them,” 2004

Elisabeth Smela
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE Award), 2004
NSF CAREER for “Development of Advanced MEMS Actuator Technology for Microrobotics,” 2003

David B. Stewart

V.S. Subrahamanian
Maryland Distinguished Young Scientist Award, 1997
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1993

Leandros Tassiulas
ONR Young Investigator, 1997

Andre Tits
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1985

Eleonora Tubaldi
NSF CAREER for “Reconfigurable Dynamic Metamaterials Interacting with Flowing Fluids,” 2023

Sennur Ulukus
NSF CAREER for “A Network Information Theoretic Approach to Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks,” 2005

Gregory C. Walsh

Ian White
NSF CAREER “Paper-based surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (P-SERS) for biosensing using inkjet-fabricated devices,” 2012

Min Wu
NSF CAREER for “Signal Processing Approaches for Multimedia Security and Information Protection,” 2001
ONR Young Investigator for “Digital Fingerprinting for Multimedia Security and Forensics,” 2005

Miao Yu
AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award for fly ear-inspired sensors for micro-air vehicles, 2007
NSF CAREER for “Biology-Inspired Miniature Optical Directional Microphones: Bridging Biological Systems and Sensor Technology,” 2007

Note: This list encompasses everyone who has been a joint appointment or affiliate ISR faculty member since the institute's inception in 1985.

Pamela Abshire
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2021
Invention of the Year Award (physical science) for cell-level pathogen detection, 2004
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2011

Behtash Babadi
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2019

John S. Baras
Invention of the Year Award, 1984
Invention of the Year Award, 1991
Invention of the Year Award, 1994
Outstanding Contributions to Seniors Award, VP Student Affairs and Senior Council, 1995
Research Award of Excellence, MIPS, 1996
Invention of the Year (Information Science): Key Exchange System to Secure Internet Transactions, 2009
Principal Investigator with Greatest Impact, MIPS, 2012
Largest Selling Product, MIPS, 2012
Inductee, Clark School Innovation Hall of Fame, 2016
Distinguished University Professor, 2018

Kaye Brubaker
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2003

Avis Cohen
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2011

Dana Dachman-Soled
George Corcoran Memorial Award for Faculty (ECE Dept.), 2018
University of Maryland Graduate School Summer Research and Scholarship Award, 2016

Christopher Davis
Invention of the Year, 2000

Didier Depireux
Provost's Excellence Award for Professional Track Faculty (inaugural), 2016

Anthony Ephremides
Distinguished Faculty Research Award, 1990
Invention of the Year Award, 1995
Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize, 2001
Fellow, inaugrual class of the University of Maryland’s Academy of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2002
Cynthia Kim Eminent Professorship in Information Technology, 2003
Distinguished University Professor, 2012

Carol Espy-Wilson
University of Maryland $75K Business Plan Competition (High Technology), 2010
Invention of the Year (Information Science): OmniSpeech, 2010
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2012
First to ADVANCE Award, the first African American woman, and first African American, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to receive tenure and be promoted to Full Professor, 2019

Bill Fagan
Distinguished University Professor, 2020

Nariman Farvardin
Invention of the Year, 1999

Michael Fu
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2004

Reza Ghodssi
Herbert Rabin Distinguished Professor (2008-2012)
Herbert Rabin Distinguished Chair in Engineering (2012-Present)
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2014
University of Maryland Invention of the Year, Life Sciences, for Flexible Urinary Catheter Insert to Detect and Prevent Bacterial Infections, 2018

Neil Goldsman
Invention of the Year (Physical Science): World’s Highest Energy Density Thin-Film Battery, 2009

S.K. Gupta
Invention of the Year (Physical Science) for a minimally invasive neurosurgical intracranial robot, 2008

James Hendler
Invention of the Year for PARKA-DB, 1998

Alireza Khaligh
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2016
Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, 2016
Invention of the Year, Physical Sciences, for Integrated Power Electronics Interface for Enhanced Electric Vehicle Charging, 2018

P. S. Krishnaprasad
Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow, 1998

K.J. Ray Liu
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2007
Invention of the Year Award (information science) for space-frequency code design, 2004

David Lovell
Clark School ENGAGED Faculty, 2011

Dinesh Manocha
Jimmy H.C. Lin Award for Innovation and Invention, 2024 
Distinguished University Professor, 2020

Steve Marcus
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2000
Poole and Kent Teaching Award, 2013

Nuno Martins
ADVANCE Leadership Fellow, 2013

Thomas McAvoy
University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 1997

Cynthia Moss
Regents’ Faculty Award for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2010

Derek Paley
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2020

Ramamoorthy Ramesh
Clark School of Engineering Faculty Outstanding Research Award, 2001

Gary Rubloff
Invention of the Year (Physical Science): Nano Arrays for Energy Storage, 2010
Distinguished University Professor, 2016

Benjamin Shapiro
Invention of the Year Award finalist for “Arbitrary and Simultaneous Control of Multiple Particles in Micro-Fluidic Systems,” 2004
Invention of the Year Award (physical science) for cell-level pathogen detection, 2004

Ben Shneiderman
Invention of the Year Award Finalist for “Direct Annotation for Digital Images,” 2000
Distinguished University Professor, 2013

Elisabeth Smela
Invention of the Year Award (physical science) for cell-level pathogen detection, 2004
Campus Woman of Influence, for exemplary contributions to the improvement of the quality of women's lives, 2019

V.S. Subrahmanian
Invention of the Year Award Finalist for “IMPACT Agent Development System,” 2000

Andre Tits
Faculty Service Award, 2000

Sennur Ulukus
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2016

Ian White
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2013
Faculty Advisor of the Year Award, 2016

Min Wu
George Corcoran Education Award, 2003
E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Junior Faculty, 2009
Invention of the Year Award for "Environmental Signatures for Forensic Analysis and Alignment of Media Recordings," 2012
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award, 2013
Invention of the Year Award for "Verifying the Source of Video Streams using Electric Network Frequency (ENF) Signals," 2015

Miao Yu
Wilson H. Elkins Professorship, FY2024 to FY2025 (a USM award)
Regents Faculty Award for Excellence in Research/Scholarship/Creative Activities, 2019

Guangming Zhang
ENPM Outstanding Teaching Award (inaugural recipient), 2006
Clark School of Engineering Keystone Professor, 2006
Poole and Kent Outstanding Teaching Award for Senior Faculty, 2004
