In 2017 ISR established a graduate student travel award fund to send deserving graduate students to professional conferences each year. The award helps ISR gain visibility and recognition for the quality and variety of its research. But most importantly, it greatly helps ISR students!

When students present their research at conferences, they benefit in many ways, including:
--  Receiving direct recognition of their high-quality work
--  Honing their skills in effectively conveying their research
--  Improving their potential to receive prestigious employment opportunities

Since its inception, the graduate student travel award has sent talented and deserving graduate students to professional conferences each year.

Read about the 2017 winners and where they presented their research

Read about the 2018 winners and where they presented their research

You can financially support this award!

A gift in any amount is greatly appreciated. If you work in an organization that provides gift matching funds, please request that your gift be matched. Thank you in advance for supporting ISR by making a gift to the ISR graduate student travel award.

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