John S. BarasFunding Agency
National Science Foundation: Cyber-Physical SystemsYear
Professor John Baras (ECE/ISR) is a co-PI on a new five year, $4,997,185 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant award from the Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS) program in the large category, "Science of Integration for Cyber-Physical Systems." The University of Maryland share for the five years is $1,237,500. The project will develop a new Science of Integration for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), re-examining the fundamentals of composition in heterogeneous systems, developing foundations and tools for system integration and validating the results in experiments using automotive and avionics System-of-Systems experimental platforms. The new Integration Science represents a major departure from the current discipline-oriented, compartmentalized systems design. Building on a rigorous theory, it will develop the foundations, and methods and tools for achieving constructivity and predictability in CPS integration.