UTRC CDS Invited Lecture: Ratnesh Kumar, "Model-Based Safety Analysis in CPS"

Friday, October 28, 2016
10:00 a.m.
2168 AV Williams Bldg
Regina King
301 405 6576

UTRC Control and Dynamical Systems Invited Lecture

Model-Based Safety Analysis in Cyber-Physical Systems

Ratnesh Kumar
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University

Note: This lecture is also being given as part of the IEEE Controls System Society Distinguished Lecturer Program and is also affiliated with the IEEE Washigton Section CSS Chapter.

Cyber-Physical Systems combine the Cyber-Software and the Physical components, and their behaviors comprise of hybrid of discrete and continuous state evolution, that can be modeled as hybrid automata. Simulink/Stateflow is a commonly used modeling and simulation platform for cyber-physical systems consisting of reactive embedded code that interacts with its environment in real-time fashion. This talk will present an approach for safety analysis of Simulink/Stateflow models, based on its automated translation to input-output extended finite automaton (I/O-EFA), followed by automated test-generation, guaranteeing user-defined code as well as requirements coverage, and also support for automated test-execution and error-localization. Testing is useful for design-time error analysis, while the talk will also discuss our model-based approach for run-time verification, error monitoring, detection and localization. Monitoring at system level (as opposed to software level) is necessarily stochastic, and a more general I/O-Stochastic Hybrid Automaton (I/O-SHA) model is used, and condition is obtained for bounded-delay detectability, while achieving desired levels of false-positives/-negatives. The talk also presents our simulation-based approach for safely analysis of hybrid systems, where a finite number of simulation runs are used to confirm bounded-horizon safety, useful for run-time assurance.


Ratnesh Kumar is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Iowa State University, and prior to which he was with the ECE Dept. at the Univ. of Kentucky. He received B.Tech. in Electrical Eng. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK) in 1987, and M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the Univ. of Texas, Austin (UTAustin) in 1989 and 1991, respectively. Ratnesh's research interest spans sensors, networks, controls and software with application domains of cyberphysical (hybrid) systems, embedded and real-time systems, model-based software and web-services, power systems, energy harvesting, and sensors for sustainable agriculture. Ratnesh received Fellowships from NASA-Ames, Applied Research Lab---Penn State Univ, Idaho National Lab (DoE lab), United Technologies Research Center, Air Force Research Lab and several research awards from NSF (including Research Initiation Award), DoE, ONR, General Motors, General Electric, Honeywell, Magnatech, and Adobe. Prof. Kumar is or has been an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Systems Society, and the IEEE Workshop on Software Cybernetics. Ratnesh received the Gold Medals for the Best EE Undergrad and the Best All Rounder from IIT Kanpur, and the Best Dissertation Award from UT Austin. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Control Systems Society, Best Paper Award recipient from IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and Best Paper Finalist at 2014 IEEE ICNSC (Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control) and 2016 IEEE Sensors.

Audience: Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Post-Docs  Alumni 

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